Friday, March 24, 2023

The Handmaiden by B C Talbott Book Review

I have vague memories of a television image of Kathryn Kuhlman in black and white in a sweeping gown. She certainly had presence. It came through even in a static marred small television screen. As Talbott writes, “Kathryn Kuhlman was a perfect blend of character and mysticism.” (116) She had a unique style and she used it to the glory of God. Her services were mesmerizing and I was surprised to learn she spoke spontaneously, the Holy Spirit her source. It was no surprise she had a love of clothes and jewelry.

I liked this look at her life. It sheds new information on a fascinating woman. Talbott takes us through her childhood, salvation at fourteen, traveling with her sister and husband evangelists for a summer at sixteen. Kathryn had seen miracles and loved it so much she spent five years with them. When her sister and husband separated, Kathryn continued, ministering in Idaho for five years, then on to Denver. We read of the death of her father, the smooth and seductive Burroughs Waltrip, the controversial marriage and later divorce. She experienced a death to self and returned to her original call. She had a long ministry in Pittsburgh and then in Los Angeles, ministering in the 7,000 seat Shrine Auditorium. Her popularity exploded and Hollywood stars came to hear her. Medical doctors verified the miracles, writing books about them. 

This book is a very good look at the person and ministry of a unique woman. Talbott shares insight into Kuhlman's ministry, romance, shopping trips, the decision that hurt others, her split with Dino, the subsequent problems, and more. The latter part of the book also contains some of her messages and the thoughts of those close to her. And the photos, new views of Kuhlman, are delightful to see. This is a good biography of an amazing woman, honest but compassionate. I recommend it to anyone wanting to know more about Kathryn Kuhlman and her legacy.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

BC Talbott: Most of BC's career has been spent working within the entertainment industry in Los Angeles, California. Her experience has included working as an actor, singer, writer, and public relations executive in entertainment marketing. Over the years, BC has been recognized in Cosmopolitan Magazine and other publications as a leading female entrepreneur owning numerous successful companies. She lives in Miami, Florida, with her husband, Todd, and her two fur babies.

Word and Spirit Publishing, 264 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the author. My comments are an independent and honest review.

(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)

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