Monday, April 10, 2023

Blind Trust by Natalie Walters Book Review

About the Book:

She's risking her life. He's risking his heart. It's unclear which is more dangerous.

Lyla Fox knows she has a reputation at the SNAP Agency for being impulsive, but when she receives a threatening letter from a man she helped put in prison, she can't stop herself from going all in to find out why he's coming after her. Unfortunately, she's going to need the help of the one person who questions her choices more than anyone else.

Explosives and weapons specialist Nicolás Garcia agrees to help Lyla in order to keep her safe, but her recklessness continues to be a major concern, especially when her investigation into a conspiracy puts a target on her back. Dealing with bombs is dangerous. Working with Lyla is proving to be just as treacherous--to both the mission and his heart.

You can read an excerpt here.


My Review:

This is a novel for readers who like a plot much more about the relationships between people in an agency than their actual investigative work. It seemed their frequent lighthearted interactions were inappropriate for the serious kind of work they were supposed to be doing. And I did not find Lyla engaging. She was impulsive, often making poor choices, getting herself into trouble a more astute operative would have avoided. Too many times she would react by saying she just wasn't thinking.

I was often dismayed at the lack of due diligence from the SNAP agents too. The ultimate example was setting up Lyla to draw out the villain and then letting her go into a building all by herself with only someone from SNAP outside the building waiting for her. Of course, it goes bad and suspense ensues. I rather like suspense because of the intelligence of the villain, not a result of incompetent action on the part of the protagonists.

Walters' writing style is good even if the plot is more about relationships than action and has a somewhat weak heroine. This is a romantic suspense for readers who like immersion in the romance aspect and don't mind incompetent agents and practices.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

You can read my reviews of the earlier books in the series: Lights Out and Fatal Code.

About the Author:

Natalie Walters is the author of Lights Out and Fatal Code, as well as the Harbored Secrets series. A military wife, she currently resides in Texas with her soldier husband and is the proud mom of three. She loves traveling, spending time with her family, and connecting with readers on Instagram and Facebook. Learn more at www.nataliewalterswriter.comPhoto Credit: Emilie Hendryx Haney

Revell, 311 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.) 

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate your honest review! I will be reading this one soon. Have a lovely week.
