Sunday, July 21, 2024

Uncommon by Mark Divine Book Review

About the Book:

To be common is to be an everyday person. It's to do the things that you are expected to do, whether that's what your parents want for you, or your employer, or your spouse, et cetera. But if you want to be more than you are, more than you think you can be, then you need to recognize and learn from your mistakes to lead a life of excellence.

As an elite Navy SEAL, entrepreneur, author, speaker, professor of leadership, and philanthropist, as well as the creator of SEALFIT, Kokoro Yoga, and Unbeatable Mind, Mark Divine uses years of wisdom, business development, martial arts, eastern philosophy and military experience to take you through life's most important principles for finding your pursuit of excellence--so that you or anyone with the proper motivation can become uncommon.

My Review:

This is a practical self help book. Divine covers five areas he calls mountains: physical, mental, emotional, intuitive and spiritual. He draws from his own experiences as well as a number of studies. He encourages readers to do the work of accessing our untapped potential, breaking free from limiting conditioning. He has a contract early on to encouragement a commitment to the process.

He has good tips and plenty of practical exercises as well as reviews of the major points at the end of each chapter. Much of the information may not be new to those who frequent self help books. I do like his addressing potential objections to taking on his exercises. I also like his suggesting reflective journaling. My favorite teaching was on BOO (background of obviousness), hidden mental issues and energy that can trigger reactionary behavior. He has a practical plan to recognize the roots and then deal with them, such as forgiving ones self.

This is a good self help book for anyone who would like a framework to address limiting beliefs and start on the journey to being someone uncommon.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

About the Author:

MARK DIVINE is a retired Navy SEAL, bestselling author, and transformative thought leader, inspiring compassion, resilience, and fortitude. His distinguished military career spanned two decades with tours in Iraq, the Middle East, and the Korean Peninsula, culminating in his retirement in as a Commander. Beyond the battlefield, Mark founded SEALFIT, where he blends Navy SEAL training with innovative mental toughness and mindfulness techniques. Through the Unbeatable Mind program he has trained thousands in his "Kokoro" whole mind system, and through the Mark Divine Courage Foundation, he aids veterans seeking post-traumatic growth. Mark holds a PhD in Global Leadership from Pepperdine University and resides in Encinitas, California, with his wife, Sandy, and Husky Mahina. Photo credit: Mark Divine

St Martin's Press, 288 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)

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