Monday, March 1, 2010

Dancing with My Father by Sally Clarkson

David danced because of his joy in the Lord. Is it possible for us to do the same today as we live in a fallen world full of stress and disappointment? How can a woman today walk in the power of the Holy Spirit, finding joy in the midst of circumstances?
Clarkson admits that life is so much harder than she ever thought it would be (she has had three miscarriages, for example). Yet she is convinced that passing through trials yields an abiding joy. She has chosen to hold God’s hand “through the dance of suffering.”
Essential to successfully living each experience through to the resulting joy is the need to relinquish one’s self and trust in God. This requires the resolve and the discipline to turn over to God what would normally cause anxiety.
Clarkson is convinced that God wants us to enjoy the good things he has created. “We must choose to stop and experience and enjoy God’s personality.” She uses experiences from her own life to show how this can be done.
The strength of this book is in the journaling questions at the end of each chapter. This is not a book to read and put on the shelf. This is a book that is to be used in transformation. The result is a realization that God loves us – not for what we do but because of who we are. Joy is found not in doing but in being.

This book was provided for review by The WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group.
For information regarding buying this book:

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