asks what it means for a man or a woman to be fully alive, to be the
person God truly created them to be. He suggests that is found out
when one discovers how men and women are to relate the way God
begins his study by exploring gender, the root of who we are. “Our
soul's center is alive with either masculinity or femininity.” In
our sexually confused culture, Crabb says, Christians need a biblical
basis. Is it men lead and women submit? (Complementarians) Is it
equality of women with men? (Egalitarians) He looks at the Bible to
see what thoughts God has on the issue.
Crabb, it is all about relating. He believes the Bible indicates
“that femininity and masculinity consist of unique and deeply
embedded ways of relating.” They relate in a way that reveals
something unique about God's relational character. It is our fear,
the core terror in our souls, that prevents us from relating to
others as God desires. “Invisibility is a woman's core terror –
displaying what nobody sees, offering what nobody wants.” I think
Crabb is a little vague on man's core terror. It seems to be related
to doing and not being introspective, being afraid of failure. (Crabb
does write, “The core terror is difficult for men to identify...”)
He shares his own experiences revealing the “terror of
weightlessness,” that he has no power to accomplish anything of
more than passing significance. He writes, “Recognized terror opens
the door to relational masculinity.”
then has a section on identifying our relational sin. He explores how
unfeminine women and unmasculine men relate. He explores spiritual
formation and theiosis. He writes of finding one's center and
living from it, evaluating the church's role. He reminds us of the
dying to self before living to God. He suggests “wisdom from the
womb,” a passion for self. He then relates God's solution to the
writes, “I am writing this book to answer one question: What did
God have in mind when He made us male and female?” We are made
for His glory and we glorify God in the way we relate, revealing
something about the way God relates.
will not be satisfied with this book. Women invite and receive. Men
have substance and deserve appreciation. Women reveal God's openness
“through life-inviting relational femininity” and men reveal
God's movement “through life-giving relational masculinity.” And
when he writes about “mutual submission,” he says, “For men,
submission centers on loving authority.” And, “For women,
submission means loving obedience.”
of my reactions to Crabb's book is that he is wordy. He tells stories
and writes lots about his own life. He repeats himself. He uses lots
of psychological jargon like “angst.” And he writes much about
women's “beauty.” Even though he may not have meant physical
beauty, it still bothered me.
reaction was that it was too theoretical and not practical enough.
But the more I think about it, the more I think he might have
uncovered a deep issue. He argues that the truth probably more often
and most easily compromised in the life of Christians is this: “to
be formed like Jesus means to become radically other-centered, no
longer looking out for ourselves but living entirely for God and for
His purposes in others.” Thought provoking!
Crabb revealed what God had in mind when he created male and female?
I am not sure. He is heavy on theory. But when it comes to
practicality, I find it lacking. For example, he says a woman asked
him if she should submit to her husband when he asked her to have sex
with another man. “I replied, 'Of course. Submit in everything.
Tell him no, gently and quietly.'” If that example from Crabb makes
sense to you, then you will love this book. If, like me, you were
looking for a more practical understanding of what it means to be a
man or woman before God, you may need to look elsewhere.
is a DVD teaching series on this book and I think that would be
beneficial. I do think this book would need to be experienced in a
dialog kind of setting. There needs to be discussion around this

Books, 224 pages.
received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for
the purpose of this review.
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