Sunday, January 19, 2014

The Adam Quest by Tim Stafford

Stafford has interviewed and tells the stories of scientists who are also Bible-believing Christians. They love the Bible and they love science. The scientists fall into three categories: young earth creationists, intelligent design creationists, evolutionary creationists. Stafford has a final chapter where he identifies what he considers to be the strengths and weaknesses of each position.

Stafford writes much more about the life stories of the scientists than he does on their understanding of the relationship between the Bible and the findings of science, particularly evolution. Some say evolution really isn't science since it is not observable, repeatable and testable. Some compartmentalize their lives. Some “think belief in God is congruent with what evolution reveals.” (180) Many comment that there are unanswered questions and we are still learning.

My goal,” Stafford writes, “was for readers to get to know them and to understand their points of view.” (199) The idea being, I think, that if we know some of the story of these people we are more likely to be understanding of their positions. Stafford hopes that the dialog around the issue of origins will be one of being faithful to Scripture yet seeing science as a gift from God, all the while realizing that there is so much more yet to learn. (211-212)

I was disappointed in the book. I had hoped to read much more about how these scientists “held on to a strong faith while wrestling with the mystery of human origins” (subtitle). Having read the book, I know each scientist's life story but generally do not know how they reconcile their faith in God with the findings of science.

You can read a chapter of the book and watch a trailer at

Tim Stafford is senior writer for Christianity Today and the author of more than thirty books. He and his wife have three children and live in Santa Rosa, California.

Thomas Nelson, 240 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

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