are fresh expressions of faith in Britain, where the church is
learning new ways to express the love of God and people. This rebirth
of the church in shapes we have not seen before and the “un-churched”
are getting involved.
has written an excellent book describing this new approach to mission
in the local church. Ordinary Christians are starting new communities
that make disciples, and with the support of church leaders and
is a great book for churches or individuals who want to make a
difference in their community but don't know how. Moynagh has
included over one hundred examples of missional and intentional
communities serving a specific neighborhood or demographic. They meet
in places and minister to people the traditional church does not
reach. The community typically meets several times a month, joining
the parent church one or two Sundays a month. The emphasis is on
Christians ministering together, shoulder to shoulder.
answers our question of why we'd want to start intentional
communities, addressing any reservations we might have. Then he
offers tools for developing them. He offers models of worship-first,
relationship-first, and serving-first. He shows how local churches
and denominations can encourage the communities and includes keys to
success. He also gives ideas to help us get the ministries started
and what to look out for. He includes suggestions on
establishing leaders, finding funding, evaluating progress, and much
as easy as ABC:
another Christian (or more!)
jointly to serve people round you
community with them
stories about Jesus
following him together
am impressed with these new ways of expressing our Christianity.
Moynagh writes, “Communities are God's strategy for
individuals to make a difference.” (34) The stories of people
getting out of the church building and impacting their own
neighborhoods are amazing.
kind of ministry is something each of us can do. To stir our ministry
possibility thinking, Moynagh suggests we answer these questions: Who
am I? What do I know? Who do I know? Out of the answers to those
questions will arise possibilities for ministering within our
community. It could be a community centered around cuisine, music, or
a myriad of other areas.
has done a wonderful job in helping us know how to engage our
neighborhood for Christ. He's provided suggestions, tools,
encouragement, answers to questions – this book is a complete
handbook on intentional communities. If you are ready to find an
expression of your Christianity outside of the church sanctuary, read
this book. If you are a pastor or church board member looking for
ways to have your church impact your community, read this book.
can watch an excellent and encouraging BBC TV interview with the
author here.
can read stories about intentional communities at
Watch videos about fresh expressions at
To see what's happening on the U.S., go to

Books (distributed in the U.S. by Kregel Books), 352 pages.
received a complimentary copy of this book from Kregel for the
purpose of an independent and honest review.
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