Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Apocalypse Rising by Timothy J. Dailey

Finally, an author has brought some sensibility to the craziness of books on the last days. Rather than picking apart Bible prophecies, setting dates, Dailey looks at the general themes of the last days and what they might mean for us today.

I was impressed with his insight into the prophetic invasion “from the north.” He suggests it has more to do with the direction of the invasion than the place of the invaders' origin. He gives a good example from Jeremiah where the predicted invaders from the north were, in fact, the Babylonians who resided in the east.

Dailey includes a great deal of historical background on the areas identified in prophecies, such as that of the Ottoman Empire. He includes information on how the Sykes-Picot agreement after WW I caused great unrest in the Middle East, resulting in the rise of the movement seeking to establish a world wide Islamic state. He has a good exploration of how Islam treats unbelievers as well as their hatred toward Israel. I was reminded that Muslims believe it is fine to give false information to unbelievers. I was astounded by his information about the state of Islam, its aims and actions, including killing or forcibly converting Christians while the West is ambivalent. Dailey wonders if the migrants flooding Europe (“jihad by migration”) might be the third invasion of Europe.

Christendom is on the brink, he says. The near future may show whether the U.S. and Europe will recover their spiritual heritage or be overrun. He reminds us of the moral decline and the growing criminalization of Christianity in the U.S. He wonders if a continued trend in this direction will lead to the U.S. being Mystery Babylon.

And if you have forgotten some of the recent prophetic craziness, Dailey reminds us in an Afterward of the predictions for September 2015 by authors like Jonathan Cahn and John Hagee. Then the month came and went and nothing happened. Dailey rather advocates looking at the general signs of the last days and not trying to compare specific events with specific prophecies.

I really like Dailey's approach. Apocalyptic literature employs imagery, he says, and there will always be an element of mystery involved. We best concentrate on the overall themes rather than trying to interpret individual events like so many have tried to do in the past. We'll only end up with egg on our face.

I highly recommend this book to those interested in the history behind the current global situation and an investigation into the general themes of the last days. You won't find diagrams or specific predictions. You will find a realistic and intelligent exploration of Bible prophecy in relation to current events.

You can find out more about the book and read an excerpt here.

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Timothy J. Dailey has degrees from Moody Bible Institute, Wheaton College Graduate School, and Marquette University. He has lived and taught on three continents. He met his wife in Bethlehem, where their first two children were born. He taught at Bethlehem Bible College and upon returning to the States, at Toccoa Falls College. He became senior editor for Chuck Coleson's "Breakpoint" radio program. He has also served as a senior fellow at the Family Research Council. He has written a dozen books as well as numerous articles. He and his wife have five grown children and live in Northern Virginia.

Chosen Books, 224 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

A Memory Worth Dying For by Joanie Bruce

This novel begins with a tragic car accident. A very pregnant Martha (Marti) Rushing is in a car with her sister-in-law and her sister-in-law's husband. He's driving and looses control. Martha survives but the others do not.

Fast forward three years. Marti is living in Tennessee, divorced and an accomplished artist. Due to a concussion from the accident, she has no memory of it. All she remembers is what people said afterward, the horrible things her husband said to her, including that she must leave. She did leave and she's never been back to Texas.

Marti's ex-husband Daniel has also had a memory loss. He had joined the army after the horrible experience with his wife. He'd suffered a memory loss as a result of an attack. He has no memory of his marriage with Marti nor his angry rejection of her. He only knows what others have told him. He does vaguely remember his childhood friend, Veronica, a woman who has now set her sights on him.

The action ramps up when Marti receives a letter from Daniel's father. Daniel is dying and would she come visit him. She decides to go, despite her recent experiences with a stalker. Someone wants her to stay out of Texas. She puts her life in danger to see the man she still loves, the only one she thinks has the answers to what really happened years ago.

It may seem a bit odd to have both spouses experience memory loss. It does make for a complicated plot but it pretty much works. There is lots of revealing of the past along the way but, in the end, it is reasonable.

There is lots of suspense in the novel. Danger follows Marti to Texas and before too long the situation gets deadly. The characters are reasonably well crafted. My least favorite character, Veronica, was developed the best. Her false sweetness just made me cringe. She was so obvious in her conniving that I lost respect for Daniel. That he could not see what she was doing is reason to view him as a weak character. Martha is somewhere in between. Having two of the characters with memory loss hindered full character development for Daniel and Marti.

The mystery aspect is pretty well done. In the end, everything made sense and Bruce did a good job of hiding some of the essential facts until near the end. This is a romance as well and we are kept waiting to see if Daniel and Marti will actually get together again.

This novel has a strong Christian message. The gospel is clearly presented through character discussions. I recommend the novel to those who like a good romantic mystery.

I am participating in a blog tour of this book and you can find links to all the tour participants here.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Joanie Bruce has written books for children and teens. She and her husband live in a country home near Madison, Georgia. You can find out more at

Ambassador International, 400 pages. You can purchase a copy here.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through Celebrate Lit for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Seeking Truth by Denise D. Snow

Reading the Bible is an essential spiritual discipline for Christians. It can bring major breakthroughs to a person's life, Snow writes. She has crafted this book to help that process.

She encourages use of this book to reveal what the Bible really says in Genesis as opposed to traditional ideas. She uses questions to encourage the reader to go deep within themselves. Some questions are asked and answered by Snow herself. She also includes many notes with her own opinions and interpretations of verses. The presence of those answered questions and opinion notes really counteracts the idea of this being a self investigative workbook.

She begins her study with the creation of man. I was rather surprised to read her interpretation of the two creation accounts, saying that the man created in Gen. 1:26 and the one created in Gen. 2:7 are different species (spirit, soul). The spiritual man was empowered to multiply and given dominion but not the physical man. One later has his life span shortened, the other apparently not. I am unsure which of these species are humans today and what happened to the others. (They may have died in the flood.)

I am not sure about the accuracy of her notes. She writes, “The soul (mind, will, and emotions) is what lives forever (Ecclesiastes 12:7).” (11) Most translations read “spirit” in that passage, not “soul.” Here's another quote: “The brain is the enemy of God (Romans 8:7-10).” (16) The brain is just a bunch of biological cells. In the next note she says one with a “carnal mind” is the enemy of God.” (17) I found this more confusing than enlightening. Of Noah's ark, she says it was bore “up so high it was above the earth (outer space) according to Genesis 7:17.” (20) I was disappointed that Snow quoted Eileen Caddy, a new age spiritual teacher, at the beginning of her book.

This book has potential but I recommend discretion when working through it. Some of her ideas in this book certainly break from traditional understanding of the teachings contained in Genesis. I was left with too many unanswered questions to recommend this book.

You can find out more at

My rating: 3/5 stars.

Denise D. Snow

WestBow Press, 56 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book from the author for the purpose of an independent and honest review. 

The Babel Conspiracy by Sylvia Bambola

The setting is sometime in the near future. Terrorism is on the rise in the U.S. In some cities it has become an almost daily experience. The plot revolves around the design and construction of a super sonic airplane fueled by nuclear fusion. The development of the aircraft is years ahead of anything other companies are doing. Two women working for the airplane company are the focus of the action. Trisha is a Christian while Audra is a compulsive woman needing sex and alcohol to make it through another day.

Someone is trying to prevent the new airplane from being completed. There is sabotage at the plant and then the lives of Trisha and Audra are in severe danger. An covert Mossad agent in the U.S. works with a reluctant Department of Homeland Security to investigate what is happening.

There is quite a bit of action in this novel, showing a very possible situation in the U.S. in the near future. The national government is somewhat dysfunctional in preventing the terrorist attacks and many citizens carry guns, including women.

The characters of Trisha and Audra are starkly contrasted. We see the difference Christ makes in living a meaningful life. There is a great deal of information about flying and propulsion included as characters describe their work.

I found the national political situation very interesting. The president is on the side of the oil supplying countries and is very anti-Israel. The tone of the novel itself, however, is very pro-Israel. The heroes are Mossad agents and the bad guys are pretty much all Muslims. I think the stark difference between Israeli and Arab actions and motives was over done, as was the difference between Trisha and Audra. Other than that, a good novel showing what might happen in our near future.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Sylvia Bambola was born in Romania, lived in Germany, then came to the U.S. at age seven. She is the award winning author of several novels. You can find out more at

Heritage Publishing House, 310 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through BookCrash for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Awaken by Terry Nance

You may be a young Christian leader or a person feeling the call to ministry and leadership. Nance has written heartfelt letters in the style of a spiritual father to help you understand and develop your role in service to the church.

I really appreciate the letters Nance wrote. He emphasizes the weight of God's call to be His spokesperson. He reminds of the standard of holiness that must be set as leaders live as examples to the church. He admonishes leaders that they are to be kingdom leaders, not empire builders. Their role is to make God look better, not themselves.

With heartfelt compassion and godly insight, Nance writes about preparing for ministry when one feels called. He includes practical suggestions for increasing knowledge and experience. He reminds of the importance of prayer, the necessity of sacrifice and faith, submitting to authority, evidencing godly leadership, the reality of spiritual abuse, being a reformer, surviving and learning from adversity, upholding the truth of the Bible, and living in intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit.

I really like Nance reminding leaders that they are setting the example to others. He suggests high standards for leaders, encouraging them to run the race faithfully to the end. Nance's book is a refreshing one focusing on character rather than numbers. He gives lots of examples of godly leadership, both as illustrations and as encouragement.

I recommend this book to those in church ministry or leadership or feeling the call to ministry and leadership. You'll receive wise words from a spiritual father.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Terry Nance is a graduate of Southwestern Assemblies of God University and Rhema Bible Training Center. He served twenty-three years with Agape Church Little Rock as the executive director of Agape Missionary Alliance. He is the founder and president of Focus on the Harvest and has authored three books. In 2008, he and his wife began Impact Church, a multicultural body of believers in Sherwood, Arkansas. He and his wife have been married for over thirty years and have three children.

Whitaker House, 176 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book through The Book Club Network for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

The Long Journey to Jake Palmer by James L. Rubart

Rubart's novels are always a bit of fantasy combined with reality interwoven with some kind of healing. Like his other novel's I've read, it took until about half way through that I began to sense what lesson this novel contained.

We try to get our self worth from various places. Even Christians find their value in their good deeds, their parenting skills, or something else. Jake, our main character, had his self worth shattered when he was disfigured in a fire. The journey to finding his true self worth is what the novel is about.

There are many issues addressed in this novel. Risking honest relationships is a big one. We have been hurt and broken from past experiences, perhaps even back from childhood. When we are honest with others, those hurts lose their power and the broken areas are healed. But another issue is the kind of healing we want. God does the kind of healing we really need, not what we think we want.

Rubart always stretches our imagination. We enter another reality from time to time in this novel. There are references to Lewis' Narnia that are appropriate. We might just find out who we really are and where our true God given worth comes from. But it might be a very painful process, even requiring dying to our false self.

I recommend this novel to those who like a plot that stretches the mind and beliefs. If you are willing to accept the challenge to risk honest relationships, all the better. “Nothing worth having, in this life or the one to come, is free of risk.”

My rating: 4/5 stars.

James L. Rubart is a professional marketer and speaker. He is the author of several novels. He lives with his wife and sons in the Pacific Northwest. You can find out more at

Thomas Nelson, 400 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Jesus Rode a Donkey by Linda Seger ThD

Seger says about one in five Christian evangelicals vote Democrat. If you find that surprising, this is a good book to help you understand why. The major issue, she says, is the role of government in helping its citizens. “This book is written as a kind of Christian Political Apologetic. It is meant to clarify what we, as Christian Democrats, believe and why we believe it.” (xix)

Seger shares her own experience and that of her sister of how the government helped them in their times of need. She found Democrats to be compassionate and tolerant.

She explores how we develop a social and global consciousness and how our Christian values inform our political decisions. She identifies the sort of Christian belief system and priorities that would lean one toward being a Democrat (e.g. an emphasis on social justice). She covers concepts like whether we see others as enemies or neighbors, whether we think the U.S. is a “Christian” nation, whether the government is to favor the wealthy or the poor, what we see as the Christian's responsibility to global issues, and more.

This is not an objective book. Seger is openly biased toward the Democrat political view and freely defends some of its more controversial issues. I don't agree with her views on homosexuality and abortion, nor do I agree with her defense of the Democratic positions on those issues. Conservative evangelical Christians may find this part of her book very irritating. I don't agree with her idea of a “Cosmic” Christ nor other areas of her Quaker spirituality that I feel stray from biblical truth.

Nonetheless, I recommend evangelical Christians read this book, especially if you want to understand why people vote differently than you do. Why would I recommend a book when I don't agree with many of the views presented? Paraphrasing Rosaria Butterfield, when everyone thinks the same, nobody thinks very deeply. It is good for us to read books with views different from our own. It makes us think about our own views and why we hold them. Seger's comments on our Christian responsibilities to the poor and strangers, her thoughts on war and fiscal responsibility, and the nature of politics were very thought provoking. There is an extensive Study Guide included.

You can find out more about the book at

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Linda Seger, ThD, is a theologian, author, and speaker with degrees in English, Drama and Theology. She comes from a long line of Lutherans and is now a Quaker. She is married and lives in Cascade, Colorado.

Haven Books, 298 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book through The Book Club Network for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

The Full Tank Life by Ben Tankard

Tankard wants his readers to live life at full throttle while also keeping the fuel level steady. He offers lessons he has learned on his way to living the life he enjoys, the life God meant him to live.

He covers seven key areas: DESTINY. Dreams, Environment, Subconscious, Time, Inspiration, Network, You.

Tankard wants us to dream, unleashing our imagination. He advises write them down and creating a vision map. He covers the environment of our belief system and the importance of our thoughts. He asks us to face our subconscious fears and push ourselves out of our comfort zone. He suggests good use of time by prioritizing and noting the progressive nature of God's plan. He reminds us we need to keep our inspirational tank full and helps us build our confidence. He suggests having a network of wise people around us and gives ideas for finding mentors. He lastly covers the power of our own human mind, our expectations and decisions.

This is an encouraging book for someone who is ready to start over again, is ready to dream and begin the journey to a full life. It is like a beginning workbook as space is provided to writes down answers to the questions Tankard asks. There are lots of encouraging personal and biblical stories as well as inspiring quotes.

I recommend this book for those ready to dream, get motivated, and make general plans. Tankard's life has had many setbacks so this book is encouraging for someone ready to bounce back from discouragement. You'll not find specific information or detailed worksheets but instead more general encouragement for life change.

Food for thought: “I'm convinced any success I've achieved is the result of God blessing my efforts to be all that He made me to be and sharing my gifts with the world.” (136) “At the end of the day, your Full Tank Life is found in Christ alone...” (185)

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Ben Tankard is the founder of gospel jazz music and has sold over four million copies of his award winning instrumentals. He has written, arranged and produced for well known artists. He authored Faith It 'Til You Make It in 2002. He and his family star in a reality show. He is a motivational speaker for the NBA and pastors, along with his wife, a fast growing church outside of Nashville, Tennessee.

FaithWords, 208 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

A Transformed Ministry by Tracy Wainwright

You may not be on paid staff so you don't think you have a “ministry.” But every Christian has a ministry. “We each have a purpose within the body of Christ,” Wainwright writes. She reminds us, “we are called to serve others in love so that God may be glorified.” (4)

She helps us define our ministry, seeking His direction, reminding us that our hearts must be open to God's daily working in us. She writes about the investment required (time, talents, money, rest) and what we are working for.

I really appreciate her emphasis on loving people. This may be the most difficult aspect of ministry but seeing lives changed by the gospel is a great result. She has an entire chapter devoted to loving people well.

Having a fruitful, God glorifying ministry means we must remain sensitive to the Holy Spirit's leadership. We must trust His leading as we take steps on our ministry journey.

I appreciated Wainwright's encouragement for us to be willing to get it wrong. We must move beyond our fear of failure. We take each step, remaining in intimate relationship with the Lord, in His Word, and in fellowship with others. There is lots of encouraging and instructive Scripture included too.

There is a section on making a ministry plan and tips on planning. She has suggestions for finding people to work with us, making evaluations, and much more.

This is a great little book for every Christian to help identify their ministry, make some plans, and begin moving forward.

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Tracy Wainwright is a wife and mother of four. She is a speaker with Stonecroft Ministries and directs The Abundant Life Conference for Women.  You can find out more at

TLC Wainwright Publishing, 67 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book from the author for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Closer Than Close by Dave Hickman

Christians are in union with Christ, but what does that mean? While it is a mystery and we cannot comprehend it, Hickman says we can be conscious of it and live in its reality. He has written this book for everyday Christians who long for a deeper experience with Jesus but feel stuck.

He shares his own story of accepting Christ in his youth and doing all of the things he was taught to do to have a “close and personal” relationship with Jesus. As an adult, he became frustrated. He was doing everything he knew to do to be close to Jesus yet felt distant.

To help us understand the reality of union with Christ, Hickman explores the union in the Trinity. He reminds us union with Christ is essential for salvation. He suggests we need a paradigm shift. Rather than doing spiritual disciplines to get close to God, “we are free to rest and savor the perfect union we already have with God.” (102-103) Our Christian walk is to be a deepening awareness, appreciation and enjoyment of that union.

Hickman surprised me with his first suggested spiritual discipline: do nothing. We abide, awakening to the mystery and wonder of the union we have with Christ. Just be in union and savor it. He then follows with a few more disciplines, such as prayer.

This is a good book for Christians who have not read much on union with Christ but want to know what it is and what it means. Hickman uses illustrations from his own life and from movies, television, and popular songs. Because of that, this book might appeal to new or young Christians. I have read a few other books on union with Christ in the last month and this one is probably the least helpful in actually living in that reality.

You can read my recent reviews of other books on this topic, One With Christ and Union With Christ.

Food for thought: “Being the beloved of God is not something you do. It's an internal posture of being.” (107)

My rating: 3/5 stars.

Dave Hickman is the mid-Atlantic regional president of Apartment Life. He is the founder of Charlotte/ONE and has an Mdiv from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. You can find out more about his ministry at

NavPress, 208 pages.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Hearing God in Conversation by Samuel C. Williamson

Should Christians be hearing from God today? Williamson's answer is a resounding, “Yes.” Hearing God is meant to be an ordinary experience for Christians. “God saved us to have a conversational relationship with him.” (16)

Williamson writes about what he has learned and practiced. He doesn't write about visions and dreams but rather hearing God in ordinary life. He emphasizes that we must first be able to recognize God's voice and that means being in Scripture. We are then prepared to hear that same voice as God speaks through friends and others. He also helps us recognize the possibility of God's leading through events and circumstances.

Some parts of this book are nothing new. Williamson makes sure we understand the important role of Scripture in our lives, reminding us it is the best way to hear God. Being in the Word is also essential to becoming familiar with God's voice, still and quiet yet with a glorious nature. His section on meditation is excellent.

Some parts of his book were surprising to me. I had never thought of brainstorming with God. I never understood the role of curiosity in hearing God. I really like his section on what hearing God means to those in church leadership. He helped clarify living with ambiguity, not knowing for sure if we have heard God. I really liked his distinguishing between formative and summative tests. God uses the former.

Perhaps you're like me, desiring to hear God's voice yet still hesitant. We've experienced the misuse of “God told me...” Maybe you've been taught that God speaks only through His written Word now. Williamson has included two Appendixes dealing with these issues.

We are told that we can have a personal relationship with Christ but are never taught how to have that relationship. This book is a great one for pursuing a conversational relationship with Christ. It is a journey. Williamson shares many of his experiences, even ones where he missed it. He reminds us that growth in hearing God will come from practice and obedience.

I highly recommend this book to those who desire to hear from God. You'll get great teaching on how that might happen in the ordinary living of life.

Food for thought: “Learning to distinguish God's voice requires a lifetime of practice.” (91)

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Sam Williamson is the founding director of Beliefs of the Heart and the author of Is Sunday School Destroying Our Kids? He and his wife live in Ann Arbor, Michigan. You can find his posts at

Kregel Publications, 216 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of the book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Saffire by Sigmund Brouwer

The setting is the building of the Panama Canal. The main character is James Holt, a cowboy who had been with Buffalo Bill's Wild West show. Now he is a widower with a young daughter and owns a struggling cattle ranch. He'd met and spent time with Teddy Roosevelt years ago. When a summons arrives from the now president, Holt packs his bags. He is to go to Panama and do investigative work for Roosevelt, having his past due mortgage paid in return.

The plot becomes very complex after Holt arrives in Panama. He is not sure what he is to investigate and neither was I. There are a number of possibilities and they are confusingly mixed together. Holt meets Saffire, a girl about his daughter's age, while waiting to speak to his new boss. She is convinced her mother did not run off and abandon her as authorities claim. Holt is sympathetic to her plight, even thought she is a very street savvy girl and has her own protection. His inquiries about her mother get mixed in with his various investigations.

I found the action a bit hard to follow. Holt seems to bumble along, getting into trouble and then being rescued. There is much action in the novel, the culprits and their reasons hidden under layers of deception. There is a lengthy explanation at the end of the novel that clarifies all the participants and their roles. I prefer a plot where the deceptive layers are uncovered bit by bit rather than all at the end.

There are two strengths to this novel. One is the vast amount of information contained about the building of the canal. We get a great history lesson about the first attempt by the French, how the U.S. then came to build the canal, the deaths of workers, the ramifications of Panama winning independence from Columbia, and much, much more.

The other strength revolves around the characters and their interaction. There is clever dialog and funny puns. Holt is quick witted when it comes to verbal skills. Some of the characters are very well crafted. My favorite was Miskimon. He has a case of obsessive compulsive disorder long before such things were diagnosed. I was a bit disappointed we did not see more of Saffire, the namesake of the novel. We do find out in the end that she was around but she has such an interesting personality I would have liked a greater involvement in the plot.

I was also disappointed that there was not more of a spiritual aspect to the novel. While it is published by a traditionally “Christian” publisher, I would not identify the book as a “Christian” novel. It contains nothing that would separate it from being identified as being in the general historical fiction genre.

Much of the novel revolves around actual historical events and Brouwer has provided a great deal of information at

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Sigmund Brouwer is the best-selling author of nearly thirty novels, with close to four million books in print. He has won the Christy Book of the Year and the Arthur Ellis Award, as well as being nominated for two TD Children's Literature Awards and the Red Maple Award. He splits his time between Nashville, Tennessee and Red Deer, Alberta. He and his wife have two daughters.

Waterbrook, 336 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Bullet in the Blue Sky by Bill Larkin

In the chaotic aftermath of a massive earthquake that leveled much of the Los Angeles region, a LAPD deputy chief sends an elite team of detectives on a rescue mission. They are ordered to set aside all law enforcement duties, to ignore the destruction and to focus on one task: Find LAPD Detective Gavin Shaw, who disappeared just before the earthquake.

Kevin “Schmitty” Schmidt of the Orange County Sheriff's Department joins five others on the rescue team. With rioting, looting, attacks and homicides rampant in the streets, the six cops have to defend themselves while chasing down leads on the whereabouts of Shaw. The mission takes them through a dizzying war zone and the more they encounter, the more they wonder why they are searching for one man in these extreme circumstances. Why is this man so important to the deputy chief, and why now?

Schmitty discovers that others with high connections are also after Shaw. The questions pile even higher when they learn of a shadowy history between Shaw and the deputy chief. A history with deadly consequences for the team as they uncover a threat that elevates the mission to a race against time.

My Review:
This novel got off to a bit of a slow start but the second half of the novel makes up for it. Schmitty and the team encounter many obstacles in their search for Shaw. It seemed a bit repetitive to me. The action and plot intensity really ramps up about half way through the book. We find out what it is that Shaw knows and why it is so imperative he be found and brought back to head quarters.

We know there is going to be a big earthquake in Southern California some day and this novel gives a good picture of what the area would experience as a result. I had no idea of the large number of gang members and what that would mean to law enforcement after a disaster. Larkin does a good job of describing the lack of mobility and difficulties with infrastructure too.

I really enjoyed the last half of the book when we find out Shaw holds information that might prevent further harm. The rescue team unravels a conspiracy that was decades in the making. And there was a twist at the end that gave me a new appreciation for the remnants that exist after the Cold War. I also like to learn about a topic when I read fiction and this time it was about earthquakes and how they are triggered.

I recommend this novel to those who enjoy a plot with lots of action. And it is a believable one. We wonder if terrorists have infiltrated our society and what they might accomplish. This novel gives a chilling idea of what is possible.

I am taking part in a blog tour of this book. Click here to view the 'Bullet in the Blue Sky by Bill Larkin' Tour Participants.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Bill Larkin writes crime fiction and is the author of one previous novel and several short stories. He previously served as a reserve with the Orange County Sheriff's Department, then the Los Angeles Police Department where he worked in four different divisions and a detective assignment. He is a member of the Mystery Writers of America and International Thriller Writers. You can find out more at and follow him on Twitter at

Book Details:
Genre: Crime Fiction
Published by: Indie
Publication Date: August 4th 2016
Number of Pages: 366
ISBN: 9780989400213
You can purchase the book at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and GoodReads.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through Partners in Crime Virtual Tours for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

Friday, August 19, 2016

The Veritas Deception by Lynne Constantine Giveaway

Enter the Giveaway at the end of this post.
There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.
Proverbs 14:21

Days after U.S. Senator Malcolm Phillips changes his vote on a bill he sponsored, he is murdered and his death disguised as an accident. He contacted one man before he died: investigative journalist, Jack Logan. He left Jack a single clue to help him uncover the truth and keep Phillip’s widow, Taylor, safe. But safe from whom?

Jack and Taylor’s desperate hunt leads them to a vast network of corrupt authority controlling everything from social media and television programming to law enforcement and US legislation. The key to unraveling a complex web of lies is a set of ancient relics, dating back to the time of Christ. But what do these relics have to do with a senator’s death?

Allies turn to foes when Jack and Taylor discover that those closest to them are part of the conspiracy, and that they too have been manipulated. How long has a puppet master been pulling their strings—and will Jack and Taylor trust the right people long enough to win what becomes a colossal battle for souls?

My Review
This is a great novel giving one possible way the end times might be brought about. A man has made a pact with the devil and is diligently creating the scene to welcome in the Antichrist. He has resources everywhere and it seems like no one can stop him.

There are many interesting issues included in this plot. One is genetic engineering. Another is the deliberate control of the culture. People are being manipulated into accepting immorality via television programs. If you ever wondered if there might be a plan behind the moral direction the country is taking, this novel will fuel your fire.

I had a little trouble getting the initial plot construction settled in my mind. There are three time periods that we read about. The first is the present day, Jack and Taylor running for their lives. Another time period is six years before when Jack hurt Taylor deeply. The last time period is 1975, as we follow a young woman being inseminated without her knowledge. All of these stories do come together in the end, making the actions of the different eras understandable.

And speaking of the end of the novel, there was a twist at the end that shocked me. There had better be a sequel!

I recommend this book to those who enjoy reading end times conspiracy novels. The plot is believable and is something that could come out of today's headlines. The characters are well crafted. There is a good deal of action and twists and turns to keep you reading to the last page.

You can watch the book trailer and read a sample here.

I am taking part in a blog tour of this book. 
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My rating: 4/5 stars.

Lynne Constantine is a twitter addicted fiction writer always working on her next book. She is the coauthor of Learn More About CIRCLE DANCE on Amazon, a family saga spanning three generations, that received an endorsement from Olympia Dukakis. She is also a social media consultant and speaker, working with authors to build their brand platforms. Lynne teaches at various workshops and has spoken at the Thrillerfest conference in New York. She is a monthly contributor to SUSPENSE MAGAZINE, and a contributing editor to THE BIG THRILL magazine. You can find out more at You can follow her on Twitter at and Facebook at

Genre: Thriller
Published by: Sailor Dance Publishing
Publication Date: August 2016
Number of Pages: 382
ISBN: 0997694211, 9780997694215
Purchase the book at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and GoodReads.

This is a rafflecopter giveaway hosted by Partners In Crime Virtual Book Tours for Lynne Constantine. There will be 4 US winners. There will be FOUR (4) different prizes for this tour. Each winner will receive only one prize. The prizes are as noted on the rafflecopter. This is subject to change without notification. The giveaway begins on August 1st and runs through August 30th, 2016.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through Partners in Crime Virtual Book Tours for the purpose of an independent and honest review.