like her suggestions for writing. She calls it blueprinting. It gives
you the major components of a novel yet allows for individual
creativity as you write. She includes a site where you can download a
5 page PDF of The Novel Blueprint so you can use it again and again.
I did download it and am impressed with the amount of writing ideas
it contains.
like how Crosswhite freely uses and suggests the material from other writing mentors. She makes good use of The Snowflake Method and gives
the appropriate sites to use Ingermanson's information. She also
recommends books on the craft and includes an excellent resource
you read through the book, you'll learn how to plot, how to develop
characters, how to write scenes, how to do research, determining
point of view, how to prewrite for scene structure, and much, much
more. Crosswhite gives you opportunity to practice your craft with an
“Apply It” section at the end of each instruction.
book is a great resource for budding novelists and I highly recommend
rating: 5/5 stars.

Services Press, 192 pages.
received a complimentary digital copy of this book from the author.
My comments are an independent and honest review.
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