is definitely a character driven novel in that there is much more
time spent on character thoughts, relationships and interactions than
there is on action or suspense. The emphasis on character feeling was
a bit much for me. Here's an example. When Sean and Taylor, guns
drawn, are approaching a potentially hostile location and Sean barks a command, Taylor's thoughts: she loved how sure he sounded, how
strong he looked with his Kevlar vest and weapon in hand.
(Loc 2595/4780) At another time, right before Sean goes into a
dangerous location, he kisses Taylor. Later, still at the scene, he
thinks she wants to talk about the kiss. “A crime scene's not the
time or place,” she responds. (Loc 3636/4780) Exactly. Not the time
or place to kiss either!
is a book for readers who like lots of character work toward romance
and very little suspense. There is a little suspense at the end but
that's it.
rating: 3/5 stars.

House, 368 pages.
received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My
comments are an independent and honest review.
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