has also included sidebars with enrichment information, such as
quotes from other authors. There are also short videos to watch for
each lesson. QR codes are included in the text that can be scanned
with a smart phone. The videos can also be seen here.
is an inductive Bible study and it works best if the individuals do
their homework on their own, then come together to share.
study John's Revelation? Last Days predictions seem to be everywhere
lately. There was the Mayan calendar and Harold Camping's
predictions. Those doomsday predictions were bogus. Where can you go
to find out what God said about the Last Days? Revelation.
book will not give you a date for Christ's return but will help you
understand what God has said about preparing for that event. A
thorough immersion in Revelation will infuse you with courage, hope,
and excitement.
study focuses on five chapters in Revelation, the first three and the
last two. Edwards believes these chapters are the most beneficial
when considering how God wants us to prepare for Christ's return.
the author is a professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and holds a
pretribulation, premillennial view of the end times. While this book
is written from that view, specifically that Christians will not
experience the Tribulation, I think even those with differing views
(as I have) will be able to benefit from this study.
Edwards is associate professor of Christian education at Dallas
Theological Seminary. She has years of experience as a Bible teacher,
curriculum writer, and overseer of several women's ministries. She
has worked with women as minister to women at Irving Bible Church and
director of women's ministries at Prestonwood Baptist Church in
Dallas. She has a doctor of ministry degree from Gordon-Conwell
Theological Seminary. She and her husband of forty years have two
married daughters and five grandchildren.
can find out more about this study and others in the series, watch
the associated videos, and download a leader's guide at
Publications, 125 pages. Please visit your local Christian bookstore to purchase this book.
received a complimentary copy of this book from a publicity group for
the purpose of this review.
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