He shares many stories that are testimonies to God's power and love. He adds insights to help us understand and apply keys for accessing the portals. He also gives an application to help us internalize God's promises.
Hanby admits that he does not know why God does what He does. He assures us that what he is presenting is not some formula. He wants to help us get to the place where the perfection and power of heaven can be manifested in our lives on earth. He encourages us to pay attention and look for the hand of God in our lives. He explores the difference between belief and faith. He writes about trusting God when He does not heal, the relationship of faith and hope, recognizing divine appointments, having spiritual awareness and compassion, and the role of prayer.
There are some amazing stories included in this book. Reading it is certainly an encouragement, knowing that God is active in the lives of believers today.
Hanby is honest and practical. He makes no promises. He addresses the issue of continuing to trust God when there is no miracle. His desire is to show us how we can place ourselves before that portal where God might intervene.
Note: Hanby is Charismatic (or Pentecostal). He talks about the baptism in the Holy Spirit but not in the sense that it is necessary to access the spiritual portals.
Dr. Mark Hanby accepted the pastorate of a small church in Fort Worth, Texas, and under his direction saw it grow to become Truth Church, one of the first mega-churches in the nation and the largest of its denomination. He speaks internationally on church governance and spiritual order, ministering in over seventy countries around the world.

Howard Books (a division of Simon and Schuster), 195 pages.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.
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