This is an inspiration gift book. Beth Moore sets the pace with an introduction, reminding us of several principles about worship. Then Cottrell shares his thoughts on worship, giving many of his own experiences as illustrations.
He reminds us God is the God of surprises, both wanted and unwanted. God is often found in places where we were not looking for Him. Truth and emotions go hand in hand in worship as worship involves the whole person. We worship a trustworthy and faithful God. We need to make sure we worship God for Who He is, not Who we think He is. The worship of God is as unique as each one of us. Cottrell writes of worship in healing wounds, dealing with fear, going through trials or grief, and much, much more. He provides inspiring quotes from well known people and also has questions for reflection and application, leaving space for comments.
This little book would make a great gift to someone who needs to know or be reminded again of the importance of worship in their life. Perhaps someone going through a trial. Perhaps a person who doubts God's love for them. It is an unassuming book. It is not big and daunting and full of theological digressions. It is just a simple book in which we are reminded of the importance of worship, how we are to worship, and how God works to heal us through our worship.

Worthy Publishing, 155 pages.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Worthy Publishing for the purpose of this review.
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