time I read one of Rubart's novels, he makes me think so much my brain spins. I'm sure this is his best novel yet.
co-owner of a very successful coffee company in the Pacific
Northwest, kept having a dream about his father that troubled him
greatly. Needing advice, he talked to his good friend Morgan who gave
him a book about lucid dreaming. Perhaps Brock could dream again and
this time change the outcome.
dreams. He dreams he converses with his younger self. He can give his
younger self advice and perhaps correct the wrong choices he's made.
Maybe he can change the future – or can he?
is a very thought provoking novel. Besides being a well written novel
with an intriguing plot and interesting characters, it presents a
view of reality that is full of questions. How much of our reality
today is a result of our choices and how much is the work of God? Are
we living the life we were designed to live? Are there choices we can
make today, this moment, that can direct us back to the path we were
meant to be on? Does God somehow dwell in the past, present, and
future all at once?
are many lessons one can learn from this novel. One that really
impressed me was a realization of the importance of the opportunities for
personal connection. Perhaps we brushed someone off who wanted to
talk. Brock saw the results of some of those choices, but we may
never know the ramifications of such a choice we made.
lesson that stood out was living in the present, not being bound by
the past nor threatened by the future. There is also the concept of
having a victim mentality. This novel showed so well the results of
choices we make, we have to consider the truth that much of our
situation today is from our own choosing. And then there are all the
choices God has placed before us. He gives us options every day and
it is for us to make the best of every moment. Perhaps the greatest
lesson of all is submission to God and His design for our life.
is an amazing novel. It may not be perfect, as I felt a few too many
loose ends were left dangling at the last page. Nonetheless, the novel has
such an impact that a minor issue like that is easily overlooked.
highly recommend this novel. But hang on to your chair as your brain
will soon be spinning with the interaction of what is and what might
have been. I did not see the discussion questions in the egalley I
read although space was left for them. I can imagine what kinds of
questions and insights a reading group could generate in a
stimulating discussion of this thought provoking novel.
rating: 5/5 stars.
am taking part in a blog tour of this book and you can read more
reviews here.

Nelson, 400 pages. You can purchase a copy here.
received a complimentary egalley of this novel through Litfuse for
the purpose of an independent and honest review.
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