of the increasing rate of speed at which our world is moving today
and the overwhelming volume of change happening on a daily basis,
teachability will be the only way for you to succeed in the next half
century.” (xvi-xvii)
argues that without teachability, there is a pretty good chance you
will never reach your potential, never see your dreams come true.
From his own experience he writes, “I have observed that
teachability is hands down the greatest enhancer or greatest limiter
to a person's success.” (xx)

illustrate his principles, he gives himself as an example many times.
He also includes other modern day examples and examples from the
Bible, such as Saul and Paul.
enough, Keller writes, “When it comes to success, everything we
achieve could be gone tomorrow.” (104) That was a shout to me and I
was hoping he would write about the kind of success for which we
should be working. But it was not to be.
would recommend this book to those who know what their dream is and
how they would define their success. “Teachability is the only path
to the life you dream of living.” (192) There is no help here in
determining what kind of dream you should have or how you should
define your success. If you fail understand why you are not achieving
the success you desire, this book will have some insight for you.
can watch Keller talk about his book, read a free chapter, and
download resources here.
My rating: 4/5 stars.
My rating: 4/5 stars.

Books, 224 pages.
received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for the
purpose of an independent and honest review.
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