appreciate Holleman's emphasis on God guarding us on the inside (as
opposed to physical safety). Christ dwells in our inner being by the
Holy Spirit and imparts all the characteristics of God's guarding
presence to our soul. This reality made her want to learn a different
way to be, to live from her inner being.
emphasis is on what is happening in the soul (not the spirit). That
is where we run our lives and that is where Jesus dwells, she writes.
This teaching is new to me as I always considered Jesus in me was a
spiritual connection, that He dwelt in the spirit part of me, not the
soul. I am not clear if Holleman considers the soul/spirit to be one
aspect of our humanity or not.
knows that we humans tend to forget so she developed a method to
remember the guarding. She pictured a towering medieval fortress to
help her recall the truth. A catapult (confidence) and window (hope)
reminded her of more truth. A moat represented the peace from the
guarding presence of the Spirit. Some may question the use of imagery
but David had the same idea when he spoke of God as his rock of
refuge to which he could always go. (Ps. 71:3)
addition to the memory technique ideas, Holleman has included great
biblical teaching on the aspects of being guarded. I really liked her
thoughts on living the crucified life in the power of the Holy
Spirit. She has added questions at the end of each chapter for
further thought and discussion.
book is worth serious reading and intense thought. Holleman has a
morning routine of proclaiming the truth that she was dwelling in
Christ's peace, meditating on Scriptures and picturing the fortress.
She found more peace and was no longer ruled by her anxious mind.
Shifting her attention to her inner being where Jesus dwells helped
her to have a good foundation for choices and living in general.
for thought: “We are dwelling in Him, and nothing can touch our
souls in that most marvelous secret place.”
rating: 5/5 stars.

Press, 192 pages.
received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My
comments are an independent and honest review.
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