year 2062 saw what was called the Final War. Major cities and nations
were devastated. The war, combined with environmental disasters and
pandemics, has left the world with merely a tenth of its previous
population. A world government was formed and the World Federation
banned all religion. All religious literature was destroyed. If a
person would not sign the Affidavit of Renunciation, they were taken
to work camps. The world economy was now based on this free work
2131, Grant and a number of others escape from their work camp. His
parents and grandparents had been Christians and he still believed.
He and his small band set out on a quest to find authentic
Christianity. What they find is a commentary on what happens to
Christians when there is no Bible to guide them, no authority or
and his group stumble across several “Christian” groups as they
look for a genuine Christian experience. There is the leader who is
obsessed with Christ's second coming. He's given dates for the return
– all of them wrong. But he is really a con man and has a dedicated
group of followers. Then there was the “health” group. Disease is
of spiritual origin and they have incantations and odd foods to cure
people. Their secret weapon was a “Holy Ghost cockroach.” Another
group venerated a saint. Another group ingested drugs and had
“spiritual” experiences. As I was reading this book I kept
thinking of the many segments of Christianity we see promoted today.
are a number of issues explored in this well written novel. How do
groups get taken in by an errant leader? How would we survive if we
didn't have our Bibles? Wolverton has deftly brought in lots of
church history into the novel. How familiar are we with heresies from
the past so that we could recognize them today? And, what is the real
meaning of “church”?
all the issues covered in this book, perhaps the last one is the most
important. Is it better for Christians and Christianity to have
Christianity be against the law or to have it be accepted and used by
the empire? We'll find out in a sequel.
recommend this novel to readers who are ready to be challenged by a
very possible future of being in a post apocalypse world without
having been raptured.
am taking part in a blog tour of this book and you can read more
reviews here.
can read excerpts here.
rating: 5/5 stars.

Truth Ministries, 272 pages. You can purchase a copy here.
received as complimentary digital copy of this book through Litfuse.
My comments are an independent and honest review.
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