like the way the book started out. There is something wrong with the
world. We long for world peace but the only way that will happen is
when there is peace within. That peace will not come without a
struggle. McManus says his book is about that journey.
writes about being a warrior in that struggle and then goes on at
length about the way of the warrior. Warriors can be competitive yet
still have humility and be selfless. A warrior can be both great and
a servant. The warrior owns his defeat. The warrior knows what feeds
his soul.
felt McManus lost the focus of inner peace. Don't believers have the peace
of God that passes all understanding? (Phil. 4:7) Why didn't McManus
write anything about the peace that comes from God? “Peace can come
only when it is fought for,” McManus writes. (3) Yet Paul promised
in Phil. 4:6-7 if we let our requests be made known to God by prayer
with supplication and thanksgiving, the peace of God would guard our
hearts. Paul also said in Rom. 5:1 if we have been justified through
faith, we have peace with God. Paul also said in Rom. 8:6 to set the
mind on the Spirit is peace. Why would we have to fight for peace
when the Bible is clear on how to have it?
certainly has a way with words. “The warrior knows their strength
only when standing in their weakness.” (129) His writing is
entertaining and captivating. He tells good stories. He makes grand
statements: “The warrior trains their mind to know the good and
beautiful and true.” (92) But he never gives us the nuts and bolts
of how to do the grand things he writes about. There is no practical
strategy given nor specific actions to take. How do we war for that
inner peace?
is also a bit of concern about the theology included in the book.
McManus writes, “The future is not determined; it is created.”
(93) There are many problems with a statement like that, the primary
of which is God and prophecy. If the future is not determined, then
what in the world is prophecy? It is God who “works all things”
to the desired end, not we who create the future. He also writes,
“The warrior becomes one with all things.” (157) “The warrior
is one with all things.” (195) Connected to God, others, and
things? Yes. But one with all things? No. I think those of an eastern
religion would be more comfortable with McManus' statements.
glaring theological omission by McManus shows up when he writes about
some people thinking the universe is against them. (161) He says “the
universe is for you … because God is for you.” (162) The novelist
Paulo Coelho “is not wrong,” McManus writes, in describing the
entire universe as conspiring “on our behalf.” (171) McManus
never mentions Satan, demons, evil, spiritual warfare, etc.
might like this book. It would allow them to think of themselves as
warriors with the single intention of winning the battle raging
within. (197) But there are no specific nor practical actions
suggested in the book so they would not have to face the reality of
actually doing anything to win the battle. They would not have to
think about accepting Jesus as Savior nor participating in spiritual
warfare nor allowing the Holy Spirit to actually transform their
character. (McManus does write of “becoming one with Christ” but
does not mention sin, forgiveness, salvation, etc. (184))
rating: 2/5 stars.

256 pages. This book releases February 26.
received a complimentary ARC of this book from the publisher. My
comments are an independent and honest review.
Good review. Mcmanus is theologically crippled.
This book reminds me of the new age book "Way of the Peaceful Warrior" by Dan Millman that came out in the 80's when we were all looking for a higher spiritual calling not related to religion...even the titles are essentially the same. The Bible tells us to pursue peace,to live in peace with everyone as much as it depends on us, to wear peace as we would a garment and Jesus tells us that He left His peace to His followers and not as the world gives;however, there is absolutely nothing in the Bible about fighting for inner peace. I don't think this book was really written for true followers of Christ, but yet written for that feel good new Age group that masquerades as Christians.
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