are some areas of her teaching I particularly like. One is her
teaching on contentment (on James 4:1-3). “I have discovered that
the secret of being content is to ask God for what I want and to rest
in the knowledge that if it is right, He will bring it to pass at the
right time.” That really precludes the greed and selfishness James
wrote about.
area of her strong teaching is on the tongue and our words. This is
an important area for Meyer and she really emphasizes the effect our
words can have on others. We are to use our words to prove our faith
and trust in God. She also has a good section on what it means to
keep God first in our lives. A good way to do that is to have a
continual conversation with Him, she says.
commentary would be good for new Christians or ones not very familiar
with the Bible. Meyer writes about the truth of James in a very
understandable way. She does not explore puzzling or complex issues,
such as how turning a sinner from his way will save his soul from
death (James 5:19-20). Readers will gain encouragement and
inspiration from the book of James as Meyer explains the practical
teaching contained in it.
can find out more about the book and watch a book trailer at
rating: 4/5 stars.

127 pages.
received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My
comments are an independent and honest review.
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