attempts to reveal the man behind the legend, a man who lived a
principled life, loving his wife, his family, and his work. He gives
us a bit of a biography of Drucker, intertwining it with some of
Buford's own story. When Drucker came to the U.S. in 1937 he studied
General Motors. He realized that corporations had to be effective and
responsible if we are to have a functioning society. Management was
the discipline that would be the way to get the best out of people –
both for themselves and for others.
tells of his own wake up call when he was confronted by his
assistant. “My performance as president and CEO was becoming more
important than my performance as a human being.” Wanting to make a
difference in Christianity, he formed Leadership Network. Pastors of
mega-churches attended seminars with Drucker. Drucker felt that
religion, properly lived, was an essential element for a fully
functioning society. Buford was also instrumental in forming the
Drucker Foundation, initially to help train managers of nonprofits
and then expanded to other leaders.
you have not read Drucker at all, this book would be a good place to
start. It really helps you understand the character of the man,
giving the unique perspective of his role as a mentor.
vision was of a fully functioning society. Buford encourages us to be
a part of it by committing to making our neighborhoods and
communities better.
can find out more about Drucker's legacy at a daily blog called The
Drucker Exchange, a monthly radio podcast, a biweekly column in Time
magazine online, and at www.druckerinstitute.com.
You can find out more about the Leadership Network at

Publishing, 224 pages.
I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.
I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.
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