soul is not just something that lives on after your body dies. It's
the most important thing about you. It is your life.” (19) Ortberg
received that wisdom from Dallas Willard.
led Ortberg on a journey to know his soul – and to write this book.
What is your soul? How do you care for it? How do you keep it
healthy? That's what this book is about.
soul is healthy when there is harmony between the will, mind, body,
and God's intent for all creation. Sin always causes dis-integration.
The world we live in keeps us from attending to our souls. Our souls
are fallen and needy. That need is meant to point us to God but we
turn elsewhere.
reviews what the soul needs. One need that particularly struck me was
a center. When the soul is without a center we have difficulty making
a decision, we feel constantly vulnerable to people or circumstances,
we lack patience, we are easily thrown, and we find our identity in
externals. That's just one of the nine needs about which Ortberg
writes. He also covers how to identify enemies of the soul and
and no one else am responsible for the condition of my soul,”
Ortberg writes. (84)
book is an important one for each of us as we make our way in life.
Reading this book has given me much to think about. I'll be paying
better attention to the health of my soul. I encourage you to do the
same. Reading this book will help you.
for thought – if the quotes below resonate with you, you need to
read this book!
must arrange your days so that you are experiencing total
contentment, joy, and confidence in your everyday life with God.”
nothing does wonders for the soul.” (136)
you're disappointed, whenever you don't get your way, take that
disappointment as a chance to practice soul-satisfaction in God.”

208 pages.
received an uncorrected advance reading copy of this book from the
publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.
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