the first half of the book, Shaw gives us information on the
generations. He identifies them, gives us the basics of what they
believe, shows how the time in which they were born shapes them, and
reveals their strengths and temptations.
am impressed with this information. I now have a much better
understanding of why those of younger generations behave as they do.
As an older Baby Boomer, I've got some insight as to why Generation
Xers are cynical and skeptical. I have a much better understanding
why Millennials are so confident and see morality so differently than
I do. I understand the “emerging adulthood” phenomenon and why
twenty-something young people are still living at home.
second half of the book builds on the information Shaw gave in the
first half. He helps parents know how to engage their prodigal
children. He has very good insights and suggestions about those
leaving the church and cohabiting, for example. Then he explores what
the generational information means for the church. He assures us
Christianity will not disappear but he also identifies the challenges
the church is facing, such as the way outreach is done. He has good
suggestions for reaching young people and helping them think through
intellectual challenges. He also includes ideas for older people,
such as when their church becomes something they no longer like.
am impressed with the understanding and insight Shaw has concerning
generational differences. I know from my own family experience that
he is right on. I knew the younger generation was different and now I
know how and why. I also have some good ideas about initiating
conversation with them, that is, listening first.
has presented lots of great information in this book to help us
understand the generational differences. He admits he does not have
all the answers. But he does have some good ideas to start the
dialog. I highly recommend this book to parents, pastors and church
leaders who want to understand generational differences. It would be
great for young people too, as it will help them understand the older
all need to increase our generational intelligence and this book is a
good place to start.
rating: 5/5 stars.

House Publishers, 304 pages.
received a complimentary egalley of this book for the purpose of an
independent and honest review.
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