is the third book in the Watervalley series and I enjoyed it every
bit as much as I did the first two. I am delighted at the ability of
the author to craft such a compelling story of life in a small
Tennessee town.

is a small town where everybody knows what everybody else is doing.
It is one of those towns where there are summer outdoor movies with families
spread out on blankets. But it is also a town that has a hard time
accepting new comers. There is a new veterinarian in town, a slight
woman. She has a special rapport with animals but has difficulty
convincing the rough and tumble farmers she can handle their
also get a little insight into the Amish community that lies to the
north of the town. Luke is instrumental in uncovering a decades old
mystery and mending a few fences between people separated not so much
by miles but by belief and practice.
love the dialog. Luke is a witty man and the dialog between him and
Christine is great. Here is an example of the dialog between Connie,
Luke's sort of cook and house keeper, and her recently arrived
younger sister, Estelle. Estelle says she has an hour glass figure
and Connie responds, “Don't look now, but I think the sands of time
have shifted on you.” (238) There's other humor too, like the
elderly woman who has her driving license revoked because of her
eyesight. The next time Luke sees her she is tooling down main street
perched on her riding lawnmower.
there is some cussin' and some drinkin', just like in any small town.
Yes, there are some angry people and some compassionate ones, just
like in any small town. In the center of it all is Luke, trying to be
the best man he can be to his new found friends. I highly recommend
this book to those who enjoy novels about small town life in America
and are not put off by a little reality.
can find out more about Watervalley and read some stories about the
quirky town characters at
am taking part in a blog tour of this book and you can read other
reviews here.
can read my reviews of the first two books in the Watervalley series,
More Things in Heaven and Earth, and Each Shining Hour.
rating: 5/5 stars.

American Library, 401 pages. You can purchase a copy here.
I received a complimentary copy of this book through Litfuse for the purpose of an independent and honest review.
I received a complimentary copy of this book through Litfuse for the purpose of an independent and honest review.
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