like a well written police procedure novel and this is a good one.
is the first novel about Nikki Boyd. She's with the Tennessee Bureau
of Investigation on the Missing Persons Task Force. She signed on for
the investigative work nearly a decade ago, after her younger sister
was abducted and never found. She is called in to head the task force
when a teen goes missing.
has given us a good mixture of police work, psychological insight,
and just a hint of romance. Nikki is driven to find the missing teen
as she battles with her memories of her sister's abduction. But then
the current case takes on a twist when a photo of the terrified teen
is uncovered – just like a photo of her sister was left. Could it
be the same person, silent for ten years? Is her own life in danger?
has given us a good female protagonist. I like the way Nikki's
character is developed. We are privy to her troubled thoughts but not
enough to detract from the action. The secondary character in the
book Tyler. He had been married to Nikki's best friend who died a
year ago. Nikki and Tyler talk quite a bit about guilt as both feel
somewhat responsible for the deaths of their loved ones. I trust that
is just setting the stage and both of them will move forward in the
next novel. There is a hint of romance between the two, something I
look forward to seeing develop.
always like to learn something new when I read a novel. This time it
was about hiking in the Smoky Mountains. I also learned about how
easy it is to fake an identity on social media sites for the purpose
of attracting teen girls. That aspect of the novel is a wake up call
to parents of teens.
only aspect of the novel that makes it less than perfect was the
suspense near the end. I loved the build up. I was surprised at the
identity of the bad guy. The resolution of the suspense I thought was
just a little unrealistic, too convenient. But that was a minor flaw
in an otherwise great book. I recommend it to those who like suspense
with a strong female protagonist.
rating: 5/5 stars.

304 pages.
received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for
the purpose of an independent and honest review.
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