book starts out with some disturbing information. ISIS is the richest
terrorist group in the world, taking in some $3 million a day from
the oil fields they control. It is financially self-sustaining.
authors also enlighten readers about the subjugation of the Kafir
(non-Muslim, infidel, unbeliever). According to the Qur'an, Hadith,
and Sira, the Kafir has no human rights. So any non-Muslim can be
raped, killed, etc. The authors argue that one cannot understand the
behavior of ISIS without understanding the theology of Islam.
authors want readers to notice the difference between Christianity
and Islam. They give biblical background on Israel, the reality of
Jesus, and the birth of the church. They show the differences in the
teachings of Jesus and Muhammad. They review the attitude of ISIS
toward history and antiquities, the use of social media to enlist
western youth, and their frightening eschatology.
ISIS is not longer an option, Evans and Johnston write. Radical Islam
will not go away anytime soon.
recommend this book for those desiring to understand the theology and
behavior of radical Muslims. Potential readers should be aware that
this is not a definitive work. It is written by two Christians and
aims to show the stark difference between the teachings of Jesus and
for thought: “Islamic aggression is a threat not only to
Christendom, but also against Western civilization itself.” (145)
rating: 4/5 stars.
A. Evans received his PhD in New Testament from Claremont Graduate
University. He and his wife live in Kentville, Nova Scotia. They have
two grown daughters and a grandson.

Image, 176 pages.
received a complimentary copy of this book through The Book Club
Network for the purpose of an independent and honest review.
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