like a fantasy novel that I can follow and understand. Carr has done
an excellent job in giving us a compelling story that takes place in
another kingdom and another time with characters and a plot I
location of this novel is the Kingdom of Collum. It is one of six
kingdoms on the continent that border The Darkwater, a sinister
forest. Our main character is Lord Willet Dura, an investigator for
the king of Bunard. We were introduced to Dura in the novella By
Divine Right. (That novella is free and I suggest you read it to
get an idea of how well Carr writes as well as having the stage set for
this novel.)
is called to investigate a murder. He looks over the scene and finds
one brutally dead but the other missing. The second man had been
mortally wounded and was at a passing house, a place for those dying.
But the man is not quite dead. As Dura approaches him, the man grabs
Dura and screams a foreign word before he dies. That action changes
the course of Dura's future and sets him on a course of extreme
novel has many Christian overtones. There is a three person God, one
of whom lived among the people. The major theme emphasized in the
novel is the gifts God gives. Aer, God, has given gifts to people.
These gifts are to be passed down to the next generation before the
holder of the gift dies. If the person dies suddenly, the gift is
“lost” and is given to someone else by Aer. There are serving
gifts, gifts of musical talent, and many others.
gifting that is at the center of this plot is one that allows the
holder to go into the mind of another. We find that, as is often the
case with gifts from God, that gift can be used for good or for evil.
is a novel about minds, what is in them and how they work. Some have
dark areas in their minds that are locked away. Those who have been
in The Darkwater forest and survived have an especially dark area
locked away. Even those with the mind delving gift cannot get into
that black area.
is a novel about good and evil. It is not always a clear cut battle
between the two and that was the case here. Sometimes I was unclear
about who was a good guy and who was not. There were plenty of
surprises as actions and characteristics of people were revealed. It
kept me paying attention or I would have been lost.
is a long novel and I recommend it to those who love to get lost in
another world in another time. I really enjoyed it. We are left hanging at the end so I will be looking for the sequel.
My rating: 5/5 stars.
I am taking part in a Christian Science Fiction & Fantasy blog tour of this book. You can read the reviews of other participants at the links below:
My rating: 5/5 stars.

Thomas Clayton Booher
Keanan Brand
Beckie Burnham
Carol Bruce Collett
Carol Gehringer
Victor Gentile
Rani Grant
Rebekah Gyger
Bruce Hennigan
Janeen Ippolito
Carol Keen
Rebekah Loper
Jennette Mbewe
Shannon McDermott
Meagan @ Blooming with Books
Rebecca LuElla Miller
Audrey Sauble
Chawna Schroeder
Jessica Thomas
Robert Treskillard
Shane Werlinger
Phyllis Wheeler
Nicole White
Michelle R. Wood

House Publishers, 464 pages. You can buy the book here.
received a complimentary copy of this book through the CSFF blog tour
for the purpose of an independent and honest review.
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