says we women have it in our DNA to be controlling. We want to take
over God's job. She'd rather we surrender to God our attempts to run
the universe, or at least our part of it. She encourages us to rest
from our vain aspirations.
book hit hard. She covers so many areas we women need to work on.
Kendall helps us understand where the desire to be a junior God comes
from. She reveals our self-deceptions. She helps us identify it's
fuel. She helps us with the temptation to be a “yes” person,
trying to do it all. She shows how we want to be omnipresent,
omnipotent, and omniscient. She shows how the push for excellence in
all we do can be a problem, as is trying to be the quintessential
peacemaker. She identifies the characteristics of wanting to be God's
personal assistant. She helps us build confidence in God's
sovereignty. She identifies the fatigue of a lifetime of trying to be
in control. She gives steps a recovering control freak can take.
is a great book. Kendall nails the issue. I am impressed with all of
the aspects of being controlling she has covered, from walking on egg
shells to being a nag. There were some surprises in the book too. She
explains how working to avoid pain by trying to control the universe
actually has a great cost emotionally and spiritually and reveals a
lack of faith in a sovereign God. And this on worrying about the
future, “Grace is not available for the things that might happen.”
(59) I also learned about Christian blackmail and being a spiritual
herself is a recovering control freak. She has great stories from her
own experience to illustrate her principles. She includes good
teaching from the Bible too.
you have an exalted sense of responsibility, read this book. If you
think you could do a better job of running the universe than God,
read this book. If you have delusions of personal sovereignty, read
this book. If you think you have your life so together you don't need
to read this book, read this book. There are discussion questions at
the end of each chapter so it would be a good book for a group study.
rating: 5/5 stars.

Image, 300 pages.
received a complimentary copy of this book through The Book Club
Network for the purpose of an independent and honest review.
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