am very impressed with this six week study. It is packed full of
insights and biblical wisdom on life transformation. We have lots of
weaknesses but God is in the business of changing us into the people
He wants us to be. This study reveals how that happens.
shares his own story of coming to the end of his “hope rope.” He
was at the point where his own strength was no match for the
avalanche of life problems. He combines such stories from his own
life with teaching from the Bible to bring us to a point of surrender
to God, allowing Him to be our strength. His strategy is to find our
weaknesses and explore their place in God's plan. He also looks at
our strengths, both our natural abilities and the gifts God has given
am impressed with Beckwith's insights in dealing with our weaknesses,
allowing God to work through them. He includes great information on
how our minds work and a great plan for transforming our minds.
like how Beckwith identifies a potential strength for each of our
weaknesses. He helps us understand our potential under God's grace
and mercy. I really like his comments about television and his very
revealing checklist. No wonder I've quit watching television! He has
great teaching on relationships too.
would be a very good book for personal or group use. There are five
readings for the week and then a group study covering them. Thought provoking questions are included after each daily reading, as are
verses for meditation, and other suggestions. The weekly discussion
questions, points of application, and suggestions for prayer and
share are wonderful. In case one is hesitant about leading a small
group, instructions for doing so are included in an Appendix.
highly recommend this book. It contains great insight and wisdom for
Christians struggling with weaknesses. You'll discover a personal
growth journey concentrating on finding God's power for those
rating: 5/5 stars.

Lake Publishing, 280 pages.
received a complimentary digital copy of this book through The Book
Club Network for the purpose of an independent and honest review.