profile is introduced and concluded with personal memories from
Krusen, revealing the impact the individuals have had on his own
life. He emphasizes how their faith gave meaning and purpose to their
of the people profiled are familiar, such as Lincoln and Nightingale.
Others were unknown to me, such as Dunant, instrumental in forming
the Red Cross. And some were a complete surprise, such as Chiune
Sigihara, a Japanese diplomat in the Japanese consulate in Lithuania
during WW II. He defied his government by issuing papers that allowed
many Jews to escape to safety. Some might be a little controversial,
such as Frank Pais, a Cuban revolutionary.
D. Rockefeller Sr. might be considered unusual too. His business
practices were certainly questioned but he was a generous man. He
gave half of his fortune to charitable causes. He felt his ability to
accumulate money was a gift from God. He also felt it his responsibility to
use that money for the good of his fellow man. (199)
personal nature of Krusen's choice of people is highlighted in
Frederick Douglass, a slave who became a vocal abolitionist. Krusen
relates at the beginning of the profile how he and his girlfriend,
being a biracial couple, were turned away from a church in Austin,
Texas in 1973. He concludes the story of Douglass with his own
experience in 1981 of being in a church in New York City where people
of all colors were praising God.
found that the quote from Florence Nightingale seems to sum up the
determining factor in these lives. “Why, oh my God, cannot I be
satisfied with the life that satisfies so many people.” (67)
is an interesting collection of profiles of people who, because of
their Christian faith, have had an impact on the world. Some might find the selection
of people covered limited. Krusen's writing style is
personal and engaging, making each profile worth reading.
can download an excerpt here.
rating: 4/5.

Books, 224 pages.
received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for the
purpose of an independent and honest review.
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