Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Good Name by Samuel T Logan Jr

Logan had been president of Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia) for thirteen years when he told a lie at a faculty meeting. He lost his position as a result. He explores the broader issue of bringing dishonor to Christ in this book. He looks at what the Bible says about the power of our speech, the kinds of words we are to speak, how false witness damages others, labels, and the impact of social media. He also includes examples of thinking through some tough issues, like creation/evolution, women in ministry and more.

I appreciate Logan's exploration of hot issues causing hurt among Christians today. I like how he emphasizes that our words are to be consistent with biblical teaching. Yes, we are to tell the truth but in a way consistent with biblical commands such as the “one another” passages. I am glad Logan reminds readers to be aware of the consequences of our words.

Logan is from the Reformed tradition and some readers may not be familiar with a few of his sources, such as catechisms and the works of Calvin. Also, Logan's writing style is rather academic and would appeal to those more used to lectures than personal conversations.

I appreciate the bottom line of Logan's book, that we honor the good name of Jesus Christ. Logan has learned through experience the damage caused by words. He encourages readers to communicate so that love and care are clear and truly try to understand the view of others.

While lay Christians would benefit from reading this book, I think it is best suited for church leaders and others involved in ministry.

My rating: 4/5 stars

Samuel T. Logan, Jr., MDiv, PhD, has been International Director of the World Reformed Fellowship since 2005. He served at Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, from 1979–2007, and is now President Emeritus. He was also Visiting Fellow at Christ’s College, Cambridge in 1988–1989, and special counsel to the president at Biblical Seminary in Hatfield, Pennsylvania, from 2007–2013. He is a minister of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. Dr. Logan’s publications include The Preacher and Preaching, Sermons That Shaped America Confronting Kingdom Challenges, and numerous articles on Jonathan Edwards.

New Growth Press, 192 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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