book is not an organized treatise on discipleship. Rather, it is a
collection of short writings from Arnold, compiled and edited by
several people who knew him personally.
took me a while to get into the book. At first, it seemed like a
rather random collection of Arnold's words, placed under broad
topics. Then I hit a zinger. Then another. I was hooked. Arnold is
painfully to the point. Don't read this book unless you are willing
to be confronted about your spiritual life.
this one:
a letter: Dear sister, turn away from your opinionatedness and
your need to be in the right. How different things would be if you
had a humble, listening ear. When we speak, let us be open to the
heart of another. Let us share with one another and listen to one
another. Ultimately we have to see that we are all stumbling blocks.
Only God is good.” (57)
you imagine receiving a letter like that from your own pastor? Or one
like this?
a letter: Dear sister, it seems to me that there is an atmosphere
of eroticism around you, and I want to warn you about this.” (66)
about receiving a letter like this one about how we converse?
a letter: It is important to be straightforward and honest about
your true feelings. Rather be too rude than too smooth, too blunt
than too kind. Rather say an unkind word that is true than one that
is 'nice' but untrue. You can always be sorry for an unkind word, but
hypocrisy causes permanent harm unless special grace is given.”
was part of a community attempting to live like the early church in
Acts. So you'll find he said, “We must give up all private property
and all thirst for collecting things for ourselves. … Wealth brings
about death because it isolates the heart from God and from one's
fellowman. … The way of Jesus means complete possessionlessness!”
(96) That may be hard for some to take in our American independent
and financially secure Christian experience. “When we speak about
the authority of leaders in the church, it should be very clear that
we never mean authority over people.” (107) That might upset some
leaders in the American church. And the section on church discipline
may be totally foreign to many contemporary Christians.
is not a book one would sit down and read from cover to cover. The
relatively short writings (a paragraph or two) can be used for
devotional readings. One could also go to a particular topic and read
the writings offered. A Scripture index is included as well.

Publishing House, 298 pages.
received a complimentary copy of this book through Handlebar for the
purpose of an independent and honest review.
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