we living the life God called us to live? Doing so, Hybels says,
means uncluttering our souls. It means we stop doing the stuff that
doesn't matter and concentrate on what does. It is a simplified life,
but, Hybels writes, “Simplified living is about more than doing
less. It is being who God called us to be, with a whole hearted,
single-minded focus.” (2)
writes about a handful of practices that will orient us toward a
simplified life. He helps us identify what drains us and what
replenishes us. He encourages us to control our calendar and our
finances. He considers the role of our job. He helps us deal with
offenses and anxiety (productive and destructive fear). He explores
relationships (real friendship), adopting a life verse, and
identifying the season of life we are in.
chapter examines the practice and assesses what Scripture says about
it. He has included very practical Action Steps at the end of each
chapter. Those help us look at our own lives and then incorporate
into our lives the principles he's presented.
book is about uncluttering our souls. The book is not so much about
stuff as it is our commitments, our relationships, those things to
which we give time and energy. He has included three filters at the
end of the book through which we can screen our activities and
you are ready to focus on the life God has for you, one of
intentionality and purpose, this book is a great resource to get you
on your way.
for thought:
path to simplicity is not for the faint of heart.” (12)
schedule is far less about what I want to get done and far more about
who I want to become.” (35)

Momentum, 320 pages.
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