than focusing on the rightness or wrongness of such issues, Platt
concentrates on bringing the gospel to them. His goal for the book is
the application of the gospel to social issues. He encourages
Christians to a self-sacrificing commitment to go, give, and serve.
He desires we “seek how individually as Christians and collectively
in our churches the Spirit of Christ is leading us to compassionate
action in our culture.” (21) To that end he has included First
Steps to Counter Culture at the end of each chapter, with suggestions
for prayer, participation, and proclamation.
covered include poverty (and our attitude toward money), abortion,
widows and orphans, definition and practice of marriage, sexual
immorality, sex slavery, ethnicity and immigration, religious freedom
and intolerance. In the end he reminds us that mankind's most urgent
need is the gospel.
suggestions may be surprising. The purpose in addressing sexual
immorality, he writes, “is not to rail against the dominance of
sexual sin in the culture around us but to expose the depth of sexual
sin that lies within us.” (166)
liked that he set the record straight on “legislating morality.”
He writes, “The state not only has the right but also the
responsibility to legislate morality.” (70)
will not be encouraged to picket abortion clinics in this book.
You'll be encouraged to work at a pregnancy care center and befriend
a pregnant teen. You'll be encouraged to adopt orphans and sponsor
orphan care. You'll be encouraged to live out the gospel, not just
talk about it.
is a great book for church boards, pastors, and directors of
Christian organizations to read. There are teaching videos available
as well as personal study materials. You can go to
to find out more.
for thought:
sinful indifference, “Moral and political neutrality here is not an
option.” (71)
Platt is the president of the Southern Baptist Convention's
International Mission Board. He previously served as the pastor of
the Church at Brook Hills in Birmingham, Alabama, as New Orleans
Baptist Theological Seminary dean of chapel and assistant professor
of expository preaching and apologetics, and as staff evangelist at
Edgewater Baptist Church in New Orleans. He is the author of several
bestselling books including Radical. He and his wife have four
House Publishers, 267 pages.
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