life, like in football, a blitz is an unexpected attack hoping to
disrupt the opposing team. Kemp experienced them on and off the field
and shares what he has learned about surviving and thriving past
them. The way we face a blitz makes all the difference, Kemp says. He
wants to help us experience growth, not setback.
gives three major strategies. First is taking a long-term view. He
encourages having the mindset of finding opportunity in the
experience. We may have to be flexible, letting the old dreams die.
But God may have allowed the blitz to get us moving in a new
direction. Second is being willing to change. He suggests taking a
deep look at ourselves and accepting responsibility. He writes about
relationships, being an investor, not a consumer.
excels in his third strategy, reaching out to others. He writes about our team and looking for the good in others. He advocates inspiring and
elevating others (LIFT). He writes quite a bit about family and
leaving a legacy.
uses lots of examples from football so this would be a great book for
lovers of football. He also has stories of people he knows who have
experienced a severe blitz in life and have formed a way forward.
shares insights from his experience on the football field. He has great
insights into performance based acceptance and rejection and
ultimately finding our value in Christ. Other insights include the
value of teamwork and how blitzes help us understand ourselves. His
writing about consumers and investors was excellent. His section on
humility was superb.
Kemp doesn't leave readers with just good ideas. He also gives some
very practical suggestions for action. He ends each chapter with
questions for self-reflection and ideas for action. He asks some very
thought provoking questions. Many of them would be helpful for
someone anticipating a career change.
is a very good book for anyone facing a situation that may seem
overwhelming. A reader will enjoy this book the most if he or she is
a lover of football, since that's the topic of many of the
illustrations and stories.

House Publishers, 240 pages.
received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for
the purpose of an independent and honest review.
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