covers the improbabilities of evolution, beginning with
interdependency. He notes the unlikeliness of male and female of a
species evolving at the same time, let alone that happening 1.8
million times. He writes about the issues of animals and their
necessary habitat and food sources evolving all at the exact same
time. He defends the geological column as a result of the flood. He
critiques carbon 14 dating. He compares creation and evolution, notes
the evidence for a Designer, and likens evolution to idolatry. He
then defends the Bible and presents a gospel message.
has provided no documentation in his work, that is, no footnotes. He
makes lots of unsubstantiated claims. For example, “...the human
genome has remain fixed, unchanged... All other plant and animal
genomes have remained unchanged...” (55) He offers no documented
proof for such a claim.
makes sweeping statements: “We cannot trust any of the claims made
by scientists regarding the age of the earth or the origins of life.
All of their claims are based solely on speculation and theory. There
is no scientific proof for any of it.” (23) Quite a statement to
make when he himself offers no scientific proof for his claims.
subtitle of the book is not accurate. What Daniels presents is not
new. If you have done any reading at all in the
creation evolution debate, you will have read about the information
Daniels presents. The information here would be new only to someone
who has not read anything by Morris or Ham or any other of the scores
of authors writing on the subject. And I did not find the arguments
compelling. That was mostly because they were unsubstantiated claims.
While I may agree with some of them, they were not presented in a
“compelling” way.
readers should be aware that Daniels recommends the Bible
commentaries of Ellen G. White, one of the founders of the Seventh
Day Adventist Church.
find it odd that the cover image of the book, a painting by
Michelangelo, has been altered. Was it really necessary to spare readers the anatomical accuracy of the original painting?
would not recommend this book. There are many books, long and short,
that are much better on the issue of creation and evolution.
J. Daniels completed three semesters of theological studies and has a
BA in English from the University of New York. He worked for the
Government Printing Office where he was a writer of contract
specifications. In his retirement, he writes articles and essays
defending the claims of the Bible.
Services, 96 pages.
received a complimentary digital copy of this book through BookCrash
for the purpose of an independent and honest review.
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