get caught up in the buzz of life. Could it be that we are missing
the kingdom of God present in the smallness of life?
wants us to pay attention to the small ways that Jesus shows up in
the ordinary and the plain, like on a Tuesday. “The deepest need of
my soul is Christ,” she writes. “But the problem is, I often
forget where to find him.” (17)
appreciate the premise of the book. So often we think we have to have
a big ministry to be effective in God's kingdom. Freeman suggests
instead, “learning to lean back into small-moment living rather
than trying to keep pace with a fast-moving world.” (35) She
encourages us to celebrate Jesus in our simple conversations with
friends, the experiences with family, the daily moments.
recounts a number of her experiences, such as watching neighbors talk
on the benches in their cul de sac, going to a water park and
watching American Idol, and then shares her lessons from them.
The format reminded me of a daily blogger. I had a bit of difficulty
appreciating the many rambling stories. She writes in the middle of
the book, “Sometimes what I want more than anything is to be fully
understood, to be able to explain myself, to have everyone see where
I'm coming from and to have it all turn out well.” (183) I think
younger readers, say thirty-something, would appreciate that kind of
foundation for a book more than older readers such as myself, a
senior citizen. I did appreciate her ability to glean a spiritual
lesson from each of her experiences, however. I also appreciated her
encouragement to live well in ordinary time.
few questions are given at the end of major sections of the book,
making it a possibility for a small women's discipleship group. This
book would work well for young people who love to talk about their
experiences and how they impact their soul.
for thought: “Jesus came to earth to extend a personal invitation
for us to enter into his kingdom rather than try to build our own.”
can follow her blog at www.chattingatthesky.com
and you can go to www.simplytuesday.com
for videos and other resources.
My rating: 4 stars.

251 pages.
received a complimentary copy of this book through Icon Media with
the purpose of an independent and honest review.
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