takes his lessons on waiting from the life of Joseph. Joseph is a
good example as he had to wait twenty two years to see his dreams
come to pass. Stiles does well in relating Joseph's experiences to
our own. In telling about the coat of many colors, for example, we
are asked to remember a time when a sibling got a better Christmas or
graduation gift.
is convinced, “...the primary way we apply God's providence to our
lives is by waiting.” (16) Waiting is an act of faith. It is how we
trust God is working out His purposes when we are not seeing it. He
also reminds us of the many reasons God may have us wait. Perhaps He
is developing our character or leading us to a deeper relationship
with Him.
Joseph's life as a springboard, Stiles has lots of great teaching on
a variety of topics, such as sexual purity and the purpose of testing
(God and Satan have different goals). He has included many of his own
experiences as illustrations. That adds a personal touch to his
has an interesting way of writing. “God wasn't asleep at the wheel
the day he chose your family of origin.” (182) That's a good thing.
In retelling the Joseph story, which is much of the text, the writing
style kept me interested in what is a very familiar story.
reminds us that our goal in our waiting is not to try and
understand God's plan. God doesn't ask that of us and we could never
do that anyway. It is our trust that God desires. Stiles reminds us
about waiting, “Sometimes that is the only way we learn.” (145)
unusual point on Stiles' book is about dreams. He is adamant that God
does not speak to us through dreams today. We have the Bible and
that's all we need. He does allow for dream experiences in the
mission field, but says that does not mean it is to be our
experience. (33)
is a good book for Christians who want to understand why God would
have us wait and why He sometimes gives us something very much
different from that for what we had asked. It is an encouragement to trust
in God's sovereignty. There is much we can learn from Joseph as he
waited so long for what God had promised. It might be a familiar
story but Stiles takes lessons from it each of us can benefit in
for thought: “Every sin we commit represents a failure to
wait on God.” (83)
remains sovereign down to the last detail of our lives.” (164)
can watch the book trailer here.
My rating: 4 stars.
Stiles (ThM, Dmin, Dallas Theological Seminary) is an executive vice
president at Insight for Living Ministries. A former pastor, he has
served in full time ministry for more than twenty-five years. He and
his wife have two grown daughters and live in Texas. You can find out
more at www.waynestiles.com.
Books, 255 pages.
received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for the
purpose of an independent and honest review.
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