are two groups of scientists and technicians, both developing out of
body travel. One developed the process and the other group received
the technique from a person in that original group. It is hard to
tell if one group is good and the other bad or not. Both seem to have
character faults in their leaders.
sort of out of the blue, comes a young doctoral student with amazing
formulas he has received through dreams. He is instructed in a dream
to team up with a young woman business major. Further dreams get them
under the attention of the two groups previously mentioned. The
result is intrigue and suspense and the possible end to mankind.
felt there was not enough scientific back ground about the mental
travel research. It seems like the travel happens easily, as a person
merely verbally counts and gives instructions. This seems a bit
simple to me. And in this simple manner people can enter a safe and
read classified documents. That just did not work for me.
narrative jumps around, from one group to the other and then to the
young people. Sometimes it even jumps to one person in a group to a
person in another group and then to another person in the first
group. The transitions are not smooth and are done at tense moments.
I felt that really broke up the flow of the story. I would have
rather had the story from the viewpoint two characters. In that
sense, reading this book was not a relaxing experience.
the end, there is not one. We are left hanging, waiting for a sequel.
here to download a sample of the book and watch the book trailer.
Locke is a pseudonym for Davis
Bunn, the award-winning novelist
with total worldwide sales of seven million copies. His work has been
published in twenty languages, and critical acclaim includes four
Christy Awards for excellence in fiction. Davis divides his time
between Oxford and Florida and holds a lifelong passion for
speculative stories. Find out more about him and his books at
384 pages.
received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for
the purpose of an independent and honest review.
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