you keeping track of life or is it whizzing by too fast for you to
even notice? Are you living life or managing it?
came to the point of committing to keeping track of life. She made a
conscious decision to focus on what really matters, even when the
insignificant or the distracting tried to derail her. She realized
she wanted to be at peace with who she was and how she was living.
She wanted to know she was on her path to true fulfillment.
wants each of us to experience that same kind of fulfilling life. She
has marked out nine intentional actions to help us grasp what really
matters in life. Here are a few of them.
action she suggests in her Creating Lasting Connections section is
“filling the spaces.” She suggests looking for opportunities to
focus undivided attention on what really matters, such as watching
your children while they eat breakfast. There are scores of
opportunities each day to focus, even if for a few seconds, on what
is important. In the Living For Today section, she suggests “seeing
what is good.” Look for the good in the situation, in the people,
in the events happening. This is a change of focus from being
critical to really seeking out the blessings before you. In
Protecting What Matters, she suggests “leave a legacy.” Be an
example of a life well lived to your kids and those around you.
just three of the nine intentional actions she has mapped out for a
hands free life. She has filled the book with touching stories
illustrating the principles and giving us great examples of how they
work. She includes affirmations to encourage and help establish new
thought processes and then an inspiring meditation.
admits she doesn't always get it right. Readers won't feel like they
are trying to follow a perfect example. We are all a work in process.
found “that the most important things in life are not measured but
are felt through the hands, heart, and soul of each life we touch.”
I recommend this book to all who want to live freely and love fully.
You will be inspired.
for thought: Make it a practice to seek out at least one simple joy
in an ordinary day.
can watch the book trailer here.
My rating: 5/5 stars.

224 pages.
received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for
the purpose of an independent and honest review.
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