like how she distinguishes filling our days with work and doing our
best work. She wants to see us progress on our highest and best
callings of life – work that makes the greatest impact on lives
(ours and others). “Busy work is the thief of our best work,” she
writes. Her goal for us is not to get more things done but to get the
right things done.
helps us understand procrastination and our motivation behind it.
Once we've done that we can identify motivators to get us moving in
the right direction. We look at the cost of decisions, the cost of
procrastinating, stress (from procrastinating), fear, overload,
perfectionism, decision making, will-power, time management, setting
goals, identifying projects vs. tasks, prioritizing, and getting an
accountability partner.
really appreciate her comments on planning time for renewal, like
Bible reading and other activities that energize us. She even wants
us to take time to dream.
book is not going to tell you how to create the best to-do list. It
will help you understand how you can accomplish the most important
tasks before you, slaying that procrastination dragon. The choice is
still yours. Whitwer gives you the tools for getting the best things
done. It's still up to each of us to follow through.
for thought: “What is God calling you to do that you haven't done
My rating: 4/5 stars.
Whitwer is the executive director of communications for Proverbs 31
Ministries and contributor to their email devotional. She is the
author of several books. She and her husband have five young adult
children and live in Arizona. She blogs regularly at
208 pages.
received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for
the purpose of an independent and honest review.
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