skeleton upon which the message of this book hangs is the story of
Green Street Baptist Church and their pastor, Pete. Pete's been there
five years, having taken over after the retirement of his very
successful predecessor. Despite his tireless efforts, the church is now in decline. At a board meeting, Pete is asked to resign. He's
shocked but has the sense to remember a conference he attended. He
finds the old business card and gives an invitation to the man whose
call it is to help dying churches.
that skeleton of a plot is quite an informative book. I was amazed at
the amount of information I learned about churches. As a church board
member and ministry leader, I've read tons of books about church –
but nothing like this one. I read about the life cycle of a church:
Movement, Monument, Museum, Morgue. I
found out that every day ten churches close their doors for the very
last time. I saw an example of real revitalization of a church. I
read about the characteristics of a thriving church: Attractional,
Invitational, Missional. I learned how nostalgia is a powerful force
that quenches the urge to dig new wells and is a threat to the
vitality of the church. I read about the power of unleashing the force
of sacred imagination. I saw the possibilities of ministry outside of
the church building. I found out what happens when men lead the
some humor and a great deal of insight, Shupp has crafted a novel
that taught me more about the vitality of church than most other
books I've read. I highly recommend church pastors and board members
read this book – yes, a novel. There are some thoughtful discussion
questions provided and an additional section at the end that really
explains the life cycle of a church.
concepts in this book are essential to maintaining the vitality of
church today. I highly recommend it.
for thought: “Being
the church and going
to church represent two radically different philosophies of
rating: 5/5 stars.
James Shupp is the CEO of BriarPatchConsulting.com whose mission is
“Helping Churches Thrive.” For nearly three decades, he's
pastored churches in Texas and Oklahoma. He currently serves as the
founding pastor of the Movement Church in San Antonio.
Lake Publishing, 336 pages.
received a complimentary digital copy of this book through The Book
Club Network for the purpose of an independent and honest review.
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