book is written by the Kendrick brothers and is inspired by their
recently released movie, War Room. They know the power of prayer,
having grown up in a praying family and attending a praying church.
They've seen God answer countless specific prayers over the years.

authors suggest readers commit to reading one chapter of this book a
day. Doing that makes it a great devotional. The writing is down to
earth. I really liked that. There is no super spiritual attitude or
academic flavor to the book. I felt like the authors were across the
kitchen table talking to me.
think the chapter I appreciated the most was the one on praying for
other Christians. I so often say that I'll pray for someone and then
really not know how to pray. They've included a sample prayer that is
great. And then there are the fifteen suggestions in an Appendix.
is a good book for all Christians. New Christians will find a
comprehensive explanation of prayer. Seasoned Christians may not find
anything shockingly new (we've read about ACTS before) but will again
be reminded of the necessity of prayer and its power. They'll also
read the stimulating chapters on praying for their family, those in
ministry and their church.
authors have included a prayer at the end of each chapter. They have
also included a number of Appendixes. I really like the ones that
have suggestions for specific prayer based on Bible verses. They have
also included discussion questions for each of the 35 chapters.
authors are tired of disinterested churches making little impact on
their communities. They're tired of lifeless Christians consumed by
their own pursuits. They want to see revival and prayer is the key.
rating: 5/5 stars.

You can find out more about the Kendrick brothers and their work at
Books, 208 pages.
I received a complimentary copy of this book through Icon Media for the purpose of an independent and honest review.
I received a complimentary copy of this book through Icon Media for the purpose of an independent and honest review.
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