Beginning with chapter four, Paul
talks about our “walk,” the way we are to live. Paul encourages us
to pursue godly character with energy and intentionality. He
highlights four characteristics: humbleness, gentleness, patience, and love. No matter our temperament, we are called to live those
character qualities. Living those qualities is important for peace
and unity in the body.
This doesn't mean we are all supposed to be the same. Paul says we have different gifts - a different grace that Jesus has given each of us. Paul lists gifts in 4:11 but there are also more gifts listed in Romans 12 and 1 Corinthians 12. We might think finding our gift is the hard part. But Sue encourages us to do what we love to do and pursue it with love and passion.
I can speak from experience that
you will feel a spiritual “high” when you are doing what God has
gifted you to do. That's how I knew what my gift was. But don't try to push your way into ministry. Volunteer
in an area of ministry that interests you and let God promote you. Others will recognize your gifting and, in God's timing, you'll be serving the body exactly where God has designed you to be.
When each of us exercises the spiritual gift God has given us, we see growth and maturity in ourselves and others. When each of us does our part of the work, we see the body built up into a mature organism with Christ as the head.
How did you find your spiritual gift? How are you using it to build up the body?
Watch the Lesson Five video by Sue Edwards here.
You find out more about the study series at and see the video clips at You can follow the discussion on Facebook at
See my comments on the Introduction, Lesson One, Lesson Two, Lesson Three, and Lesson Four.
Edwards is an associate professor of Christian education at
Dallas Theological Seminary. She brings over thirty years of
experience to the classroom as a Bible teacher, curriculum writer,
and overseer of several women's ministries. She is the author or
co-author of several books. She has a D.Min. From Gordon-Conwell
theological Seminary and a master's in Bible from Dallas Theological
Seminary. She and her husband have been married for forty years, have
two married daughters and five grandchildren.
Kregel Publications, 127 pages. See the publisher's product page for more information about the book.
I received a complimentary copy of this book through Open Book Promotion for the purpose of blogging this study.
This doesn't mean we are all supposed to be the same. Paul says we have different gifts - a different grace that Jesus has given each of us. Paul lists gifts in 4:11 but there are also more gifts listed in Romans 12 and 1 Corinthians 12. We might think finding our gift is the hard part. But Sue encourages us to do what we love to do and pursue it with love and passion.

When each of us exercises the spiritual gift God has given us, we see growth and maturity in ourselves and others. When each of us does our part of the work, we see the body built up into a mature organism with Christ as the head.
How did you find your spiritual gift? How are you using it to build up the body?
Watch the Lesson Five video by Sue Edwards here.
You find out more about the study series at and see the video clips at You can follow the discussion on Facebook at
See my comments on the Introduction, Lesson One, Lesson Two, Lesson Three, and Lesson Four.

Kregel Publications, 127 pages. See the publisher's product page for more information about the book.
I received a complimentary copy of this book through Open Book Promotion for the purpose of blogging this study.
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