The world wants us to conform to its mold. Paul describes many of the world's activities in the first few verses of Ephesians 5. That kind of behavior is not for us. We might have been like that at one time but now we are children of light. We are to be figuring out the kind of life to lead that is pleasing to God!
That brings us back to the Holy Spirit. When we are “filled” with the Spirit, we will be wise on how we conduct our lives. We'll understand what the will of God is. And it will show in our behavior. Giving thanks for everything? Submitting to others? Those are tall marching orders. But when the Holy Spirit is running our lives, that will be the kind of behavior we will most want to do.
I am not going to get in a discussion about what “Spirit-filled” means. As one fellow said, it has less to do with exuberance or impulsive speech, and more to do with a life marked by the ordinary and God honoring behavior identified as the fruit of the Spirit.
How will you submit to the Holy Spirit and His guidance today?
Watch the Lesson 7 video by Sue Edwards here.
You find out more about the study series at www.discovertogetherseries.com and see the video clips at www.discoveryseries.net. You can follow the discussion on Facebook at www.facebook.com/DiscoverTogetherSeries.
You can also read my bog on the Introduction, Lesson One, Lesson Two, Lesson Three, Lesson Four, Lesson Five, and Lesson Six.

Kregel Publications, 127 pages. See the publisher's product page for more information about the book.
I received a complimentary copy of this book through Open Book Promotion for the purpose of blogging this study.
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