She helps us do that by providing studies on the attributes of God in daily readings. She has arranged them as follows:
Monday: key Scripture passages revealing the attribute, background information and a brief Bible study.
Tuesday – Thursday: devotions to help us pray Scripture passages that relate to the attribute.
Friday: relating the attribute to God's promises, key passages are listed for reflection or memorization with additional ones for weekend contemplation.
Spangler covers an attribute a week for seventeen weeks. God is loving, good, infinite, immutable, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, patient, wise, self-sufficient, jealous, righteous, merciful, faithful, holy, creative, and transcendent.
I was impressed with the depth of Spangler's information on each attribute. She reviews Hebrew and Greek terms too. This is a great book to use in a discipleship group or to read privately to stimulate journaling as Spangler asks thoughtful questions. I really like the format too. The theological information is given in daily chunks so we are not overwhelmed.
This is a great book, a very readable introduction to the attributes of God. Every Christian should, in the course of growing in the faith, study the attributes of God. This is a very good book to get you started.

Tyndale house Publishers, 307 pages.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.
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