But unity is so hard. Who of us has not been in a church situation where unity was the last thing on anyone's mind?
Is unity possible? Paul gives us a great example of unity in our passage today. Some of the Ephesian Christians had been Gentiles, far from God. They were like foreigners to the things of God. Some of the Ephesian Christians were Jews, steeped in Old Testament worship. Through the enabling power of God, these two groups of people who were so different were brought together by the blood of Christ.
What about us today? How do you feel when someone of a different ethnic background than yourself comes to worship with you? How are you in communion with Christians from cultures other than your own?
Paul speaks of of the Jew and Gentile Christians as both being part of God's household. They were family. And we are family with each and every Christian, regardless of culture, race, or anything else. Together we are being built as a dwelling place for God.
Unity is important! As you encounter Christians in the future, think of this passage in Ephesians. Lay hold of the peace, Jesus Christ Himself. Focus on being built together to become the dwelling in which God lives by His Spirit. It was Jesus' prayer in John 17. God will enable it to happen.
Now that is good news!
Watch the Lesson 4 video by Sue Edwards here.
You find out more about the study series at www.discovertogetherseries.com and see the video clips at www.discoveryseries.net. You can follow the discussion on Facebook at www.facebook.com/DiscoverTogetherSeries.
See my comments on the Introduction, Lesson One, Lesson Two, and Lesson Three.

Kregel Publications, 127 pages. See the publisher's product page for more information about the book.
I received a complimentary copy of this book through Open Book Promotion for the purpose of blogging this study.
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