says financial peace isn't about more money, but his book is about
wealth – in the form of money. He himself worked his way to the top
ranks of the insurance industry and launched a successful
entrepreneurial insurance brokerage firm. He is also a pastor with
theological training and he says his success is because of his
application of biblical principles.
do appreciate that Salter emphasizes the inner character of a person.
A person must be whole on the inside and have a strong moral and
ethical foundation, he says, before money can be managed properly.
gleans financial principles from biblical examples. I appreciated his
teaching on impatience. Sometimes we must give up baubles (big house
or flashy car) today for true wealth later. He even suggests
“financial fasts,” seasons of downsizing, spending less, etc.
book is about building wealth. He is big on creating income streams,
such as through entrepreneurship. He writes about finding a
successful mentor and about using other people's money. God “has
given us a power we can use to build personal kingdom wealth.” (61)
He does associate wealth with kingdom building, saying that is why
God will prosper someone. One must desire to further the kingdom and
have a heart for God.
writes, “God plans for His people to prosper – and is constantly
placing us in a position to do so.” (72) In fact, “If
we are not wealth building for kingdom building then we are missing
an essential missional assignment of every believer.” (157) He
suggests the kingdom building is to be through giving to the local
am not so sure this book offers insight into financial peace. While
he wrote that it was not about more money, it really sort of is.
Salter concludes, “Christian poverty is not biblical.” (174) That
suggests those who choose to live with low income with the purpose of
serving others are somehow not following God's plan and can't have
financial peace. Also, I am not sure we can apply the teaching in
this book to Christians living under the oppression of ungodly
leaders in undeveloped countries. I was disappointed that the concept
of wealth seemed to be limited to money. Wealth was not associated
with nonfinancial things like having a godly family or having godly
friendships or serving in a selfless ministry.
you want to get pumped up about wealth and the biblical principles to
obtain it, this is the book for you. Salter does say, “True wealth
requires discipline and making necessary sacrifices to reach one's
goal.” (53) So you can't just name it and claim it. And you will be
asked to make sure your desire for wealth is connected with God's
desire to build His kingdom here on earth.
Salter is a minister and entrepreneur. He is the Senior Pastor of The
Tabernacle Church in South Plainfield, NJ, and CEO of various
successful business ventures. After graduating from Drew University,
he earned a M.Th. From King Seminary and completed post-graduate
studies at Oxford University. He and his wife have four children. You
can find out more at www.deandresalter.com.
Books, 176 pages.
received a complimentary copy of this book through The Book Club
Network for the purpose of an independent and honest review.
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