really liked this novel. Great characters, superb writing,
tantalizing plot – it's a very good novel.
story centers around Gracie, the younger teen-aged daughter of an
alcoholic mom who runs away and ends up living with her older sister
and her husband. She is a fierce character, honest to a fault. She's
been hurt so many times her outer shell has reinforcements. Just
maybe Elias, the nice Christian football receiver who befriends her,
can break through the facade.
older sister, Carmen, has enough trouble of her own. After six
miscarriages, her burning desire to be a mother has singed her
relationship with her husband, the high school football coach. Carmen
struggles with her own frustration and having Gracie in the house
isn't easy.
is much to think about and discuss in this novel. Perhaps the biggest
one is how God directs lives and causes events to work out for good
for those who love him. Other issues include alcoholism, the
inability to have children, trust, family loyalty, and what it really
means to lose yourself.
is a novel about confronting issues, about growth, about forgiveness,
about restoration. It is an exceptionally well crafted novel with
characters so realistic I'd forget I was reading a novel. I highly
recommend it for youth and adults alike.

320 pages.
received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for
the purpose of an independent and honest review.
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