are some interesting issues brought up in this novel. One is how we
handle an unsavory past. Maggie's father was an outlaw and was hanged
when she was young. As she grew up, she told people he had died in
the Civil War, not wanting people to know the truth. Might we do
something similar to make our past socially acceptable?
issue is how our past influences our career. Maggie chose working for
Pinkerton because it helped alleviate the shame of an outlaw father.
She found that working undercover, lying about who she was, was
actually easy because she had done it about her own past.
really like the way Brownley writes. For example, Maggie gives a
beggar some money. Elise asks why she did that. Because God wants us
to help those in need, Maggie answers. Elise wants to know why God
doesn't help them Himself. “Because God doesn't want to keep the
fun of helping others all to Himself.” I like that! There's a good
bit of humor in the book too. The church scene with mischievous Toby
trying to steal the cross was a laugh out loud one.
characters are delightful. That little Toby, wanting to go to the
moon and constantly designing ways to get there. And then there is
Garrett's aunt, a wonderful woman, even if she is a hypochondriac. I
appreciate it when the main characters are well developed and the
supporting ones are very entertaining.
also appreciate learning about something in a novel and in this one
it was about imprisonment during the Civil War. Given rice to eat but
no way to cook it, Garrett learned to make a pot from his canteen. He
made spoons from brass buttons and cups from wood. That led him to a
career as a tinker after the war. And all that information about
chess! Who would have thought it was a game of love? And the novel
was based on an actual train robbery from 1871.
really liked this novel. It had great characters, was an entertaining
story, and had a pretty suspenseful end. I recommend it.
Brownley is the author of more than thirty novels and a RITA
finalisty and INSPY nominee. You can find out more at
Run Press, a division of Barbour Publishing Inc., 320 pages.
I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.
I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.
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