the previous three novellas, we read about Rand and Sarah and their
nemesis, Ben. This novella opens with Ben's sister, Emmie. Rather a
plain girl, she had been dazzled by the attention of Monroe Courtney.
After a wonderful marriage of a few months, he was tragically killed
in a horse and buggy accident. Imagine Emmie's surprise when a
visitor comes to her door a few days after the funeral. It's Monroe's
first wife, the wife he'd married years ago and never divorced. And
she has a son with her.
all the paper work is verified, Emmie is left with practically
nothing – only what she brought to the supposed marriage. Homeless
in Wabash, Indiana, and with very little money, she thinks of her
friend Sarah. Perhaps she could venture out west to Fort Laramie and
find a new life with Sarah and Rand.
The second part of this series is off to a good start. Emmie, devastated
by the deception of her supposed husband, is now leery of all men.
Her character is a good study in the hurt that comes from romantic
deception. Emmie was not really beautiful and was swept away by
Monroe's attention. How often hasn't that happened?
is in a desperate situation at the end of this novella. She finds
that she is pregnant. Even though many have shown interest in her at the fort, who would want to marry someone pregnant with another man's
ready for the next episode right now.
I am taking part in a blog tour of this book and you can read other reviews here.
I am taking part in a blog tour of this book and you can read other reviews here.
can read the reviews of episodes 1-3: A Heart's Disguise, A Heart's Obsession, and A Heart's Danger.

Nelson, 112 pages.
received a complimentary egalley of this novella through Litfuse for
the purpose of an independent and honest review.
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